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Giovanni Bearzi
Last update: February 2025

Giovanni Bearzi holds a Laurea in Biological Sciences at the University of Padua, Italy, and a PhD in Zoology at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Born in Venice, Italy, he has been conducting dolphin research since 1986, particularly in the Adriatic and Ionian Seas. He founded and directed for a decade a dolphin research and conservation programme in Croatia, which was awarded the Henry Ford European Conservation Award as the best European project. In 2001, Giovanni was named a Pew Fellow in Marine Conservation, the world's pre-eminent award in that field. Former Board Member (1990—2010) and President (2000—2010) of the Tethys Research Institute, Italy. Member of the IUCN Cetacean Specialist Group since 2000. Lecturer of Cetacean Conservation (2002—2006) at the Faculty of Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy. Visiting Senior Scientist (2011—2012) with the Institute of Marine Life Sciences, Texas A&M University, USA. Associate with Texas A&M University, USA (2013—2017) and ISMAR Institute of Marine Sciences, CNR National Research Council, Italy (2019—2024). Research Associate with OceanCare, Switzerland (since 2014). Founder and President of Dolphin Biology and Conservation (since 2011). Giovanni is the author of about 200 scientific contributions, action plans for cetaceans, IUCN Red List assessments and other work intended to support marine conservation action.

In short  

I have been studying Mediterranean cetaceans since 1986, trying to promote their protection and reduce human impact on marine ecosystems.

E-mail   giovanni.bearzi#gmail.com (replace # with @)
Citation metrics  



Recent work            

40 Adriatic Sea horizons

YouTube video album with sound

Photo album

    Bearzi G, Bonizzoni S, Reeves RR. 2024. The trawl supremacy: hegemony of destructive bottom trawl fisheries and some of the management solutions. OceanCare, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 134 pp.
  Petitguyot MAC, Bearzi G, van den Hurk Y, Tejedor Fuentes M, Pierce GJ. 2024. Intentional killings and culling of small cetaceans due to perceived competition with fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic between the 18th and 20th centuries. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 62:120-162.    

Bearzi G, Bonizzoni S, Genov T, Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2024. Whales and dolphins of the Adriatic Sea: present knowledge, threats and conservation. Acta Adriatica 65:75-121.


Bonizzoni S, Santostasi NL, Eddy L, Riley MA, Ferreira da Silveira M, Würsig B, Bearzi G. 2024. Social and community structure of striped dolphins in a semienclosed Mediterranean embayment. Marine Mammal Science 40:143-163.

    Bonizzoni S, Sterba-Boatwright BD, Piwetz S, Bearzi G. 2024. Offshore distribution of yelkouan shearwaters in the north-western Adriatic Sea: insight from machine learning. Acta Adriatica 65:61-74.
  Bonizzoni S, Gramolini R, Furey NB, Bearzi G.2023. Bottlenose dolphin distribution in a Mediterranean area exposed to intensive trawling. Marine Environmental Research 188:105993.     Bonizzoni S, Genov T, Bearzi G. 2023. Bottlenose dolphins share fish farm areas while maintaining sexual segregation: investigating group memberships through spatially and temporally explicit parameters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 33:70-88.
  Bearzi G, Bonizzoni S, Fanesi F, Tenan S, Battisti C. 2023. Seabirds pecking polystyrene items in offshore Adriatic Sea waters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30:8338–8346    

Bearzi G, Reeves RR. 2022. Marine mammals foraging around fishing gear or preying on fishing catch and bait: it may not be "depredation". ICES Journal of Marine Science 79:2178-2183.



Bearzi G, Genov T. 2022. Imperiled common dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea. Pp. 837-846 in D. DellaSala, M. Goldstein and M.J. Costello (eds.) Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation. Elsevier, Amsterdam.



Bonizzoni S., Hamilton S., Reeves R.R., Genov T., Bearzi G. 2022. Odontocete cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 32:827-877.



Bearzi G, Reeves RR. 2021. Shifting baselines of cetacean conservation in Europe. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78:2337–2341.



Saavedra C, Petitguyot M, Bearzi G, Pierce GJ. 2021. Common Dolphin Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758. In: K. Hackländer, F. E. Zachos (eds.), Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer Nature Switzerland.


The World of Cetaceans

(1990 and 2022; in Italian and English)

An illustrated book for children, drawn in 1990 and posted online in 2022


Dolphins of a Wounded Sea

(2022; Italian with English subtitles)

A marine conservation documentary by Giovanni Bearzi and Silvia Bonizzoni, featuring the enthusiasm of a biologist and her research on dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea



Bearzi G, Bonizzoni S, Santostasi NL. 2022. Stenella coeruleoalba (Gulf of Corinth subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T210188066A210188619.


Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2021. Delphinus delphis (Gulf of Corinth subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T156206333A194321818.


Braulik G, Jefferson TA, Bearzi G. 2021. Delphinus delphis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T134817215A50352620.



Bearzi G., Genov T., Natoli A., Gonzalvo J., Pierce G.J. 2021. Delphinus delphis (Inner Mediterranean subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T189865869A189865884.



Bearzi G, Bonizzoni S, Riley MA, Santostasi NL. 2021. Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: abundance and management implications. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:651-664.




Bonizzoni S, Furey NB, Bearzi G. 2021. Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: spatial distribution and effects of trawling. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:635-650.



Bearzi G. 2020. Marine biology on a violated planet: from science to conscience. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 20:1–13.



Bearzi G, Stergiou KI, Macer D (eds) 2021. Theme Section "Marine Biology in a World of Wounds". Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics.

  Bearzi G. 2019. Green New Human. Individuals aware of the climate and ecological breakdown (illustrations and text).     Bearzi G, Piwetz S, Reeves RR. 2019. Odontocete adaptations to human impact and vice-versa. In Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Odontocetes. Springer, Heidelberg.

Bonizzoni S, Furey NB, Santostasi NL, Eddy L, Valavanis VD, Bearzi G. 2019. Modelling dolphin distribution within an Important Marine Mammal Area in Greece to support spatial management planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:1665-1680.

    Santostasi NL, Bonizzoni S, Gimenez O, Eddy L, Bearzi G. 2018. Common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. doi.org/10.1002/aqc.2963
  Bearzi G, Kerem D, Furey NB, Pitman RL, Rendell L, Reeves RR. 2018. Whale and dolphin behavioural responses to dead conspecifics. Zoology 128:1-15.     Bearzi G, Gimenez O. 2018. Searching for meaning in marine mammal shared data. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 18:9-13.


Ph.D. Zoology, Summa Cum Laude, University of Basel, Switzerland (2003)

Laurea in Biological Sciences, University of Padua, Italy (1989)

Scientific high school, Liceo Michelangelo Grigoletti, Pordenone, Italy (1982)


Main professional interests

  • Cetacean status, ecology, behaviour and interactions with fisheries
  • The use of research in formulating conservation strategies and policy
  • The ethical aspects of scientific investigation
  • Cetacean cognitive ethology


Present positions

Dolphin Biology and Conservation, Italy
President — since 2011

OceanCare, Switzerland
Research Associate — since 2014


Past positions

Institute of Marine Sciences, National Research Council, Italy

  • Associate (2019—2024)

Texas A&M University, USA

  • Adjunct Faculty Member and Associate Member, Graduate Program in Marine Biology (2013—2017)
  • Associate Research Scientist (2013—2017)
  • Research Associate, Marine Mammal Behavioral Ecology Group (2011—2017)
  • Visiting Senior Scientist, Institute of Marine Life Sciences (2011—2012)

Tethys Research Institute, Italy

  • President and General manager (2000—2010)
  • Manager and science coordinator, Ionian Dolphin Project (2004—2010)
  • Co-manager, Ionian Dolphin Project (1997—2003)
  • Founder and Director, Venice Dolphin Project (1997—2006)
  • Member of the Board of Directors (1991—2010)
  • Founder and Director, Adriatic Dolphin Project (1987—1996)
  • Science coordinator, 'Dolphins of Greece' expedition (Earthwatch Institute, USA; 2006—2010)

University Cà Foscari of Venice, Italy

  • Contract professor of Cetacean conservation, Faculty of Environmental Sciences (2002—2006)

Consultant / Short-term contractor

  • Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto (ARPAV)
  • University of Padua, Italy
  • Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea, Black Sea and contiguous Atlantic area (ACCOBAMS)
  • UNEP’s Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC-SPA)
  • Hellenic Society for the study and protection of the Mediterranean monk seal (MOm)
  • Israel Marine Mammal Research & Assistance Center (IMMRAC)
  • Global Fishing Watch
  • Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS) / Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)
  • Italian Central Institute for Marine Research (ICRAM, presently ISPRA)
  • Bellerive Foundation


Honours and awards

Pew Marine Conservation Fellow
In 2001 I was awarded a Pew Marine Conservation Fellowship, the world's most prestigious award in marine conservation. My project was titled "What threatens coastal dolphin populations in the Mediterranean Sea? Insight from interdisciplinary research in key areas". Pew Marine Conservation Fellowships have been granted since 1996 to fund innovative work in marine ecosystems, fisheries management, coastal conservation, and marine contamination.

Henry Ford European Conservation Award
The 1996 edition of one of the most prestigious environmental prizes in Europe attracted 1000+ entries from 26 countries. After being selected as the best Italian project, the Adriatic Dolphin Project was seen by the jury as "a model of ongoing education, coupled with professional research and management", and was awarded as the Best European Project Overall. The international panel of judges included representatives of the Council of Europe, the Conservation Foundation, the United Nations Environment Programme and UNESCO. As the Adriatic Dolphin Project founder and director (1987-1996), I received the Grand Prix in Budapest. The prize was entirely used to support conservation-oriented research on Mediterranean coastal dolphins.

Texas A&M University Senior Research Fellow
In 2011 I received a Senior Research Fellowship from Texas A&M University and I was invited to spend nine months at TAMU's headquarters in Galveston, TX.

Pew Institute for Ocean Science
In 2006 the 3-year project "Comparative Studies on Dolphin and Sea Turtle Conservation in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece, and the Catalano-Balearic Basin, Spain", which I presented in partnership with Dr. Alex Aguilar, was selected and funded.

The importance of the conservation activities carried out in the Adriatic Sea was recognized by the Ministers of the Council of Europe. In 1995 the Adriatic Dolphin Project was invited to participate in the European Nature Conservation Year. Furthermore, the project was nominated one of the "Ten Greenest Projects" by the Italian commission "Carnia Alpe Verde".
I was featured in Italian nature magazines and newspapers with popular titles such as "The Nobel Prize of the Sea awarded to a Venetian" (Il Gazzettino) and "Biologist of the Year" (Airone).
Our review paper on whale and dolphin responses to dead conspecifics, published in the journal Zoology, was the journal's most downloaded article. This article was also featured in the news section of Science: Morell V. 2018. Do dolphins feel grief? Science, June 2018. doi:10.1126/science.aau5170.


Professional affiliations

IUCN International Union for Conservation of Nature
Commission Member of IUCN SSC Cetacean Specialist Group — since 2000

European Cetacean Society
Member of the Board and National Contact Person for Italy — 1998—2002

Ocean Conservation Society
Scientific Advisor — since 2000

The Whale Sanctuary Project
Scientific Advisor — since 2016

The Kimmela Center for Animal Advocacy
Scientific Advisor — 2011—2019

Cetacean Alliance
Coordinator — 2007—2010

Delphis Mediterranean Dolphin Conservation
Honorary member — 2001

The Society for Marine Mammalogy / Emily B. Shane Award
Member of the Jury — 1996—2003


Teaching experience

University Cà Foscari of Venice, Italy

Course "Cetacean conservation", Faculty of Environmental Sciences; contract professor 2002—2006

Texas A&M University, USA

  • Marine Biology Field Course MARB 407/607 Research and Conservation in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece:  Dolphins, Fisheries, and Cultural Heritage; co-teacher (with Prof. Bernd Würsig and Prof. David Wells) — 2015 and 2016
  • Graduate Field Course 'Natural Resources of the Mediterranean' held by Prof. Jay Rooker; field coordinator — 2015
  • Marine Biology Field Course MARB 489/689 Research and Conservation in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece:  Dolphins, Fisheries, and Cultural Heritage; co-teacher with Prof. Bernd Würsig — 2013 and 2014
  • Marine Biology Course MARB 482 Fisheries, world or regional status of fisheries, overfishing and its effects on ecosystems or economies; co-teacher with Prof. Bernd Würsig — 2012


Between 1993 and 2018 I trained hundreds of students and young researchers during dolphin biology field trips, expeditions and workshops organised in Croatia, Italy and Greece by the Tethys Research Institute, Earthwatch, OceanCare and Dolphin Biology and Conservation.

Co-teacher of the short course "Cetacean research and conservation in the Mediterranean Sea", Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Taranto (University of Bari) and the Confederation of Veterinary Doctors, Italy — 2005


Editorial experience

  • Guest Editor, Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics
  • Subject editor (Cetacean ecology and behaviour), Mammalian Biology
  • Co-editor, Endangered Species Research
  • Guest editor, Conservation Biology
  • Guest editor, Marine Mammal Science
  • Reviewer for the following scientific journals:

Acta Ethologica
African Journal of Marine Science
Animal Behaviour
Animal Biology
Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems
Aquatic Mammals
Australian Journal of Zoology
Biologia Marina Mediterranea
Biological Conservation
Canadian Journal of Zoology
Ciencias Marinas
Conservation Biology
Deep-Sea Research Part II
Endangered Species Research
Environmental Conservation
Environmental Pollution
Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics
Fisheries Research
Fishery Bulletin
Handbook of the Mammals of Europe (Springer)
ICES Journal of Marine Science
Italian Journal of Zoology
Journal of Biological Research - Thessaloniki
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology
Journal of Mammalogy
Journal of Sea Research
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals
Lavori della Società Veneziana di Scienze Naturali
Learning & Behavior
Mammal Review
Mammalian Species
Marine Biology
Marine Ecology
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Marine Environmental Research
Marine Mammal Science
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Mediterranean Marine Science
New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research
Ocean & Coastal Management
Pakistan Journal of Zoology
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B
Revue d’Ecologie (Terre et Vie)
Science Advances
Trends in Ecology and Evolution
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Zoological Studies

I evaluated abstracts submitted to conferences of the Society for Marine Mammalogy and European Cetacean Society (ECS), contributions to ECS proceedings ("European Research on Cetaceans"), and project proposals submitted to the International Foundation for Science (IFS), the Italian National Research Centre (CNR) and the Earthwatch Institute. Former editor or co-editor of several newsletters on cetaceans. Member of the Editorial Board of FINS, the newsletter of ACCOBAMS (2004—2009).


Communication technology

In the 1980s I designed some of the earliest educational multimedia computer programmes on cetaceans in Italy (with the Museum of Natural History of Pordenone and Fondazione Cetacea, Italy). I filmed and edited marine biology video documentaries.

I designed and managed the following web sites, as well as various blogs and social media:

2021—present Dolphin Biology and Conservation video channel
2020—present Associazione Naturalistica Cordenonese
2011—present Dolphin Biology and Conservation
2011—2016 Marine Mammal Behavioral Ecology Group / Texas A&M University
2007—2010 Cetacean Alliance
2006—2010 ACCOBAMS web site and database
1997—2010 Tethys Research Institute


Field research

Ecology, status and conservation of cetaceans in the Adriatic Sea

Ecology, status and conservation of striped dolphins, short-beaked common dolphins and common bottlenose dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece

Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries in the Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece

Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries in the Argolikos Gulf, Greece

Common bottlenose dolphins in the Galveston Ship Channel, Texas, USA (pilot project to assess the feasibility of individual photo-identification from the coast)

Interactions between dolphins and fisheries in and around the Marine Protected Area of Sinis, Italy

Ecology, status and interactions with fisheries of common bottlenose dolphins in the Northern Evoikos Gulf, Greece

Ecology, status and conservation of common bottlenose dolphins in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece

Ecology, status and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins and common bottlenose dolphins in the Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago, Greece

Interactions between dolphins and fisheries in and around the Marine Protected Area of Porto Cesareo, Italy

Common bottlenose dolphin behaviour, ecology and interactions with fisheries around the island of Asinara (Sardinia, Italy)

Common bottlenose dolphin ecology, behaviour and social organisation in the Kvarneric, Croatia

Cetacean fauna of the Caribbean Sea (particularly Venezuela, Martinique, Dominica)

Common bottlenose dolphin social ecology near the island of Tavolara (Sardinia, Italy)

Cetacean distribution and sighting frequencies in the central and eastern Mediterranean Sea (from the oceanographic vessel "Bannock" and various sailing boats).


Supervision of graduate and undergraduate students

Valentina Rossi. 2022. Interaction between fish farms and the bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. MSc in Marine Biology, University of Ancona, Italy.

Marco Bregoli. 2019. Factors affecting bottlenose dolphin social structure in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. MSc in Marine Biology, University of Padua, Italy.

Silvia Bonizzoni. 2016. Modeling dolphin habitat preferences in a semi-enclosed basin in Greece. MSc in Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA.

Nina Luisa Santostasi. 2014. Population abundance of striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba and common dolphin Delphinus delphis in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. MSc in Biological Sciences, University 'La Sapienza', Rome, Italy.

Manon Roucaulte. 2012. Photo-identification of striped dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Final report, National Veterinary School of Toulouse, France.

Aina Pascual Cuadras. 2009. Distribution and habitat preferences of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. MSc in Biodiversity, University of Barcelona, Spain.

Christina Geijer. 2009. Evaluation of group definitions in a population of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus, western Greece. MSc in Nature Conservation, University College London, U.K.

Zsuzsanna Pereszlényi. 2009. Feeding behaviour of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. MSc in Biology, University of Pécs, Hungary.

Silvia Bonizzoni. 2008. Social organisation of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus near the island of Kalamos, Greece. Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy.

Chiara Piroddi. 2008. An ecosystem-based approach to study two dolphin populations around the island of Kalamos, Ionian Sea, Greece. MSc in Zoology, University of British Columbia, Canada.

Annalise Petroselli. 2006. Habitat use and distribution of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis around the island of Kalamos, Greece (eastern Ionian Sea). MSc in Marine Mammal Science, University of Wales, Bangor, U.K.

Nicola Bonel. 2005. Management of whale watching in two Mediterranean areas: the Cetacean Sanctuary (Ligurian Sea) and the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy.

Erica Busatto. 2004. The method of photo-identification as a tool for the study of coastal Mediterranean dolphins. Degree in Marine Biology, University of Padua, Italy.

Chiara Piroddi. 2004. An ecosystem approach to the study of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy.

Luigi Bundone. 2003. Status and conservation of the Mediterranean monk seal Monachus monachus. Degree in Environmental Sciences. University of Venice, Italy.

Daria Tonini. 2003. Cetaceans of the Gulf of Venice: Conservation status and monitoring methods. Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy.

Daniela Pavan. 2002. The role of whale watching in marine conservation. Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy.

Francesco Quondam. 2002. Habitat use by short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis in the eastern Ionian Sea. Degree in Natural Sciences, University of Trieste, Italy.

Sebastiano Bruno. 2001. Social organisation of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis in the eastern Ionian Sea. Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Padua, Italy.

Enrico Cabras. 2000. The feeding behaviour of two dolphin species in the eastern Ionian Sea used as an environmental indicator. Degree in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy.

Nina Therkildsen. 2000. Immediate behavioural reactions of common dolphins Delphinus delphis and bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus to remote biopsy sampling in the eastern Ionian Sea. Extended Essay - Biology, International Baccalaureate School, Norway.

Sabrina Ferretti. 1999. Respiration pattern of common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins in Ionian Greece coastal waters. Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Milan, Italy.

Caterina Maria Fortuna. 1996. Analysis of respiration patterns of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus observed in the northern Adriatic Sea. Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Florence, Italy.

Sylvan Oehen. 1996. The acoustic behaviour of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the northern Adriatic Sea. Degree in Biological Sciences, University of Zürich, Switzerland.

Mojca Kristan. 1995. Cetacean studies in the northern Adriatic: A case of the Tethys Research Institute. Extended Essay - Biology, International Baccalaureate School, Maribor, Slovenia.

Melita Peharda. 1993. Surfacing patterns of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) in the northern Adriatic Sea. Extended Essay - Biology, International Baccalaureate School, Zagreb, Croatia.


Invited presentations and participation in workshops and seminars

2024 - Invited speaker, "Studying dolphins in a changing Mediterranean Sea", Museum of Natural History, Udine (Italy)

2023 - Invited speaker, final meeting of EU Horizon Project "SeaChanges: a training network bridging archaeology and marine biology", Ravenna (Italy)

2023 - Invited speaker, 5th Coastal Ecology Seminar, Museo Regionale della Bonifica, Ca' Vendramin, Taglio di Po (Italy)

2022 - Invited webinar, "Why we study dolphins", organised by TAO Turtles of the Adriatic association (Italy)

(COVID pandemic)

2020 - Invited speaker, "Whale and dolphin adaptations to human impact and vice versa", Department of Marine Biology at Chioggia, University of Padua (Italy)

2020 - Invited speaker, "Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: abundance, spatial distribution and interactions with trawling", Institute of Marine Sciences, CNR - National Research Center, Italy

2019 - 4th invited speaker (150+ high school students), "Approaching the sea", hosted by High School Leopardi-Majorana at Cultural Centre A. Zanussi, Pordenone (Italy)

2019 - 3rd invited speaker (150+ high school students), "Approaching the sea", hosted by High School Leopardi-Majorana at Cinemazero, Pordenone (Italy)

2019 - Invited speaker, "Studying dolphins in a sea of change", Natural History Museum, Venice (Italy)

2019 - Invited speaker, "The dolphins of Veneto", Institute of Marine Sciences, CNR - National Research Center, Venice, Italy

2019 - Invited speaker, 2nd Global Climate Strike, Fridays for Future, Pordenone, Italy

2019 - Co-organiser of the event The Planet We Want / We Don't Want; and speaker, "A sea of change: what we have lost and what we want to save", Centro Culturale Aldo Moro, Cordenons (Italy)

2019 - invited speaker (150+ high school students), "Approaching the sea", hosted by High School Leopardi-Majorana and Cultural Centre A. Zanussi, Pordenone (Italy)

2019 - 1st invited speaker (150+ high school students), "Approaching the sea", hosted by High School Leopardi-Majorana and Cultural Centre A. Zanussi, Pordenone (Italy)

2018 - Invited presentation, "Interactions between dolphins and fisheries"; Workshop "Sea turtles and dolphins: interactions with human activities in the northern Adriatic Sea", Venice Natural History Museum, organised by University of Padua (Italy)

2018 - Invited presentation, "Interactions between dolphins and fisheries"; Workshop "Sea turtles and cetaceans: coexisting in the same sea", Pila fish market, organised by University of Padua (Italy)

2018 - Invited speaker, "Changes in the use and perception of whales and dolphins", Department of Marine Biology at Chioggia, University of Padua (Italy)

2018 - Invited presentation, "Interactions between dolphins and fisheries"; Workshop "Sea turtles and cetaceans: the collaboration of fishers for their conservation", Caorle fish market, organised by University of Padova (Italy)

2018 - Invited speaker, "Dolphins and whales: from evil monsters to sentient individuals", Malnisio Science Festival, Montereale Valcellina PN (Italy)

2018 - Invited presentation, "Dolphins, fisheries and aquaculture"; Workshop "Sea turtles and cetaceans: the collaboration of fishers for their conservation", Chioggia fish market, organised by University of Padova (Italy)

2018 - Invited speaker, "Dolphins, fisheries and aquaculture: problems and solutions"; Workshop "The common fisheries policy between new rules and persistent problems", organised by University of Ferrara and Consorzio Università Rovigo, Rovigo (Italy)

2018 - Invited speaker, "Approaching the sea", hosted by Advanced Technical Institute ICT Kennedy, Pordenone (Italy)

2018 - Invited speaker, "I want to be a marine biologist", hosted by High School Leopardi-Majorana, Pordenone (Italy)

2017 - Invited speaker, "Dolphins and whales: monsters to be slaughtered or sentient beings to be protected?", organized by Museum of Natural History and Nature Society 'Silvia Zenari', Pordenone (Italy)

2017 - Invited speaker, "Dolphins, fisheries and aquaculture", Department of Marine Biology at Chioggia, University of Padua (Italy)

2017 - Invited lecturer, "Some of the reasons why we study dolphins", Texas A&M University Marine Biology Field Course MARB 407/607 "Research and Conservation in Greece:  Dolphins, Fisheries, and Cultural Heritage", Tethys Research Institute field station, Vonitsa (Greece)

2017 - Invited speaker, "Dolphins and whales: monsters to be slaughtered or sentient beings to be protected?", Botanical Garden, University of Padua (Italy)

2017 - Invited speaker, "Interactions between dolphins and fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea", University of Ferrara (Italy)

2017 - Invited speaker, "Studying dolphins: how and why", Natural History Museum, Ferrara (Italy)

2016 - Invited speaker, "Studying and protecting dolphins: how and why", hosted by Centro Terzo Millennio, Palazzo Baldeschi, Paciano PG (Italy)

2016 - Two invited presentations, "Our friends the dolphins and whales", hosted by Istituto Comprensivo Alberto Manzi, Cordenons (Italy)

2016 - Invited speaker, "Studying and protecting dolphins: how and why", hosted by High School Leopardi-Majorana, Auditorium Istituto Vendramini, Pordenone (Italy)

2015 - Invited speaker, "Dolphin research and conservation in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece", event organized by OceanCare, Wädenswil (Switzerland)

2015 - Invited lecturer, "Studying and protecting dolphins in the coastal waters of Greece", Department of Geology, University of Patras (Greece)

2015 - Invited speaker, "Dolphin research and conservation in Greece", event organized by OceanCare, Wädenswil (Switzerland)

2013 - Invited speaker, "Studying and defending dolphins in a changing sea", hosted by Italia Nostra, Castello di Masnago, Varese (Italy)

2012 - Invited speaker, "Defending dolphins and marine biodiversity: pioneering studies in the Mediterranean", Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX (USA)

2012 - Invited lecturer, "Ethics and marine conservation", Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX (USA)

2011 - Invited lecturer, "Marine conservation on paper: Management inaction in the Mediterranean", Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX (USA)

2011 - Invited lecturer, "From monsters to icons: Shifting perception of whales and dolphins in the Mediterranean", Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX (USA)

2011 - Invited lecturer, "Striped and common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece", Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX (USA)

2011 - Invited lecturer, "Defending dolphins and marine biodiversity: pioneering studies in the Mediterranean", Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University, Galveston, TX (USA)

2011 - Invited speaker, "Defending dolphins and marine biodiversity through pioneer studies in basins exposed to acute human impact", event organized by OceanCare, Hotel Glockenhof, Zürich (Switzerland)

2011 - Invited speaker, "Dolphins and fisheries in the area of Sinis, Sardinia", Marine Protected Area of Sinis peninsula and Mal di Ventre island (Italy)

2011 - Invited speaker, "Cetaceans: science, management and education", Training course for environmental educators, Marine Protected Area of Torre Guaceto (Italy)

2011 - Invited speaker, "Dolphin research in the Northern Gulf of Evia", and "Ethics and ocean conservation", OceanCare Workshop, Wädenswil (Switzerland)

2010 - Invited lecturer, Seminar "Biology, ecology, physiology of marine mammals of the Mediterranean Sea", Campus, University of Bari (Italy)

2010 - Invited lecturer, Seminar "Twenty years of cetacean research in the Mediterranean: what for?", Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences and Technologies, University of Salento, Lecce (Italy)

2009 - Organiser and speaker, Workshop 'Cetacean research and conservation in the Mediterranean Sea: 1986-2009', Tethys Research Institute, Milan (Italy)

2008 - Invited speaker, Workshop 'Fisheries and management of Marine Protected Areas', Porto Cesareo (Italy)

2008 - Invited speaker (with Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara, Sidney Holt and Leslie Busby), 'Large whales on the hills of Umbria', Paciano (Italy)

2008 - Invited speaker, 'Dolphins of the Ionian Sea: Research and conservation', Lega Navale Italiana, Porto Cesareo (Italy)

2008 - Invited participant, international workshop on 'The Economics of the Global Loss of Biological Diversity' organised by the European Commission and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany, Brussels (Belgium).

2007 - Invited speaker, Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation Annual Meeting, Morro Bay, California (USA)

2007 - Organiser of roundtable: 'Marine Conservation on Paper: The Mediterranean Case', Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation Annual Meeting, Morro Bay, California (USA)

2007 - Invited speaker, 3nd Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), Dubrovnik (Croatia)

2007 - Invited speaker, 8th Meeting of Focal Points for Specially Protected Areas (SPAs), Palermo (Italy)

2007 - Invited speaker, Festa del Delfino (6th Edition), Lacco Ameno, Isola d'Ischia (Italy)

2007 - Invited speaker, final conference of project INTERREG III Italy-Slovenia 2000-2006 'Biological oceanography of the northern Adriatic Sea', Venezia (Italy)

2007 - Invited speaker, 'Six Days for Science' symposium organised by Fondazione Umberto Veronesi, Bari (Italy)

2007 - Invited expert, IUCN/SSC Cetacean Specialist Group and IUCN Global Mammal Assessment Cetacean Red List Workshop, La Jolla, California (USA)

2006 - Invited expert, 4th ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Meeting, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, Monaco (Principality of Monaco)

2006 - Invited speaker, Conference 'AdriaWatch - Cetaceans, sea turtles and sharks of the Adriatic Sea', Cattolica (Italy)

2006 - Invited speaker, Festa del Delfino (5th Edition), Lacco Ameno, Isola d'Ischia (Italy)

2006 - Invited expert, IUCN and ACCOBAMS workshop for the Red List assessment of cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS area, Monaco (Principality of Monaco)

2006 - Invited speaker, workshop progetto INTERREG III Italia-Slovenia per l’Adriatico Settentrionale, ISMAR Venezia (Italy)

2006 - Invited lecturer, Faculty of Marine Biology, University of Padua at Chioggia (Italy)

2005 - Invited speaker, 'Coastal dolphins of the Mediterranean: insight from studies in the northern Adriatic and eastern Ionian Seas', Symposium 'Fish and More' organised by the University of Thessaloniki (Greece)

2005 - Invited expert, 3nd ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Meeting, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, Cairo (Egypt)

2005 - Invited lecturer, Faculty of Marine Biology, University of Padua at Chioggia (Italy)

2004 - Invited expert, 1st Meeting for the preparation of an Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in Libya, Tripoli (Libya)

2004 - Invited participant, 2nd Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

2004 - Organiser and speaker, 'A night for the common dolphin', event organised by WDCS - The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, ASMS OceanCare and the Tethys Research Institute, Palma de Mallorca (Spain)

2004 - Invited speaker, 'The amazing dolphins of the Amvrakikos Gulf', event organised by the Municipality of Vonitsa (Greece)

2004 - Invited speaker, 'Coastal dolphins of the eastern Ionian Sea', event organised by the Municipality and Cultural Centre of Mytikas (Greece)

2004 - Organiser of a workshop on Mediterranean common dolphins to discuss topics related to the preparation of the Conservation Plan commissioned by ACCOBAMS, Tethys research station at Episkopi, Island of Kalamos (Greece)

2004 - Invited speaker, 'Science Week', Institute of Marine Sciences, National Research Council (CNR), Venice (Italy)

2004 - Invited speaker / invited expert, CIESM Research Workshop 'Understanding the Role of Cetaceans in the Marine Ecosystem', Venice (Italy)

2004 - Invited lecturer, Faculty of Marine Biology, University of Padua at Chioggia (Italy)

2003 - Invited speaker / invited expert, 2nd ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Meeting, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, Istanbul (Turkey)

2003 - Invited lecturer, seminar 'Coastal dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea: the possible reasons behind their decline', Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Padua at Legnaro (Italy)

2003 - Invited speaker, Workshop on Cetaceans, 4th Italian Teriological Conference, Riccione (Italy)

2003 - Invited lecturer (with Bernd Würsig and Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara), seminar 'Cetacean research and conservation in the Mediterranean Sea', Faculty of Zoology, University of Basle (Switzerland)

2003 - Invited lecturer, seminar 'Coastal dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea: the possible reasons behind their decline', Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, University of Padua at Legnaro (Italy)

2003 - Invited speaker, Museum of Natural History, Venice (Italy)

2003 - Invited speaker, Course on Cetacean Biology, Civic Aquarium, Milan (Italy)

2003 - Invited speaker (two seminars), Faculty of Marine Biology, University of Padua at Chioggia (Italy)

2002 - Invited speaker, Rotary Club, Mestre (Italy)

2002 - Invited speaker / invited expert, 1st ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee Meeting, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area, Tunis (Tunisia)

2002 - Invited speaker / invited expert, EUROPHLUKES (a EU-funded project on cetacean photo-identification in European waters) consortium meeting and workshop, Liège (Belgium)

2002 - Invited expert representing the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), First Meeting of the Parties, Monaco (Monaco Principality)

2001 - Invited participation, Conservation priorities for Mediterranean and Black Sea cetaceans, Round Table organised by CIESM (Commissione Intérnationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de la Mer Méditerranée), Monaco (Monaco Principality)

2001 - Invited participation, Conference on Adriatic Sea monitoring (Italy-Slovenia) in the context of INTERREG II. "L'Adriatico settentrionale: un osservatorio per la gestione del mare”, Venice (Italy)

2001 - Invited speaker (with Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara), 'Saving Mediterranean dolphins and whales', organised by Lions Club at the Navy Arsenal Library, Venice (Italy)

2001 - Invited lecturer, course on Cetacean Biology, Civic Aquarium, Milan (Italy)

2001 - Invited speaker, EUROPHLUKES consortium meeting and workshop, Leiden (The Netherlands)

2001 - Invited speaker, 'First ACCOBAMS Training course on cetacean research and conservation', Constanta (Romania)

2001 - Organiser and lecturer, 'Tethys workshop on dolphin research and conservation in the Mediterranean Sea', Tethys research station at Episkopi, Island of Kalamos (Greece)

2001 - Invited lecturer, National Research Council, Institute of Marine Biology, Seminar 'Coastal dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea: Fishermen’s enemies or endangered species?', Venice (Italy)

2001 - Invited speaker, Annual Meeting, Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation, White Point, Nova Scotia (Canada)

2001 - Invited speaker, Student workshop, European Cetacean Society, Rome (Italy)

2000 - Invited expert representing the IUCN-SSC Cetacean Specialist Group, IUCN Species Information System Workshop, Rome (Italy)

2000 - Invited speaker, Municipal Aquarium and Hydrobiological Station, Milan (Italy)

2000 - Invited speaker, Regional Museum of Natural Sciences, Turin (Italy)

1999 - Invited speaker, Museum of Natural Sciences, Brescia (Italy)

1998 - Invited speaker (with Dànilo Mainardi), inaugural talk, 13th edition of 'Giovedì Scienza', Teatro Colosseo, Turin (Italy)

1998 - Organiser and speaker, Seminar 'Methods for studying dolphins in the wild', Thetis Marine Technologies Conference Room, Venice (Italy)

1998 - Organiser and speaker, Seminar 'Dolphins: Key species of the marine ecosystem', Thetis Marine Technologies Conference Room, Venice (Italy)

1996 - Invited lecturer, Faculty of Biology, University of Padua (Italy)

1995 - Invited participant, 'International Workshop on the Scientific Aspects of Whale-Watching Regulations', Monte Castello di Vibio (Italy)

1995 - Invited lecturer, 'Seminar on Marine Resource Management', WWF International, Miramare (Italy)

1995 - Invited speaker, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', Villa Contarini, Piazzola sul Brenta (Italy)

1995 - Invited speaker, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', Faculty of Biology, University of Trieste (Italy)

1994 - Invited speaker, 'Croatian Dolphins', Theatre de l'Opera, Paris (France)

1994 - Invited speaker, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', Cultural Center, Bonn (Germany)

1994 - Invited speaker, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', 5th Conference of the Croatian Biological Society, Pula (Croatia)

1994 - Invited speaker, European Cetacean Society workshop 'Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphin populations in the wild', Montpellier (France)

1993 - Invited speaker, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', Municipal Aquarium and Hydrobiological Station, Milan (Italy)

1993 - Invited speaker, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', for refugee children during the Yugoslavian war, Veli Losinj (Croatia)

1992 - Invited speaker, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', for marine commando soldiers of the Croatian Army during the Yugoslavian war, Osor (Croatia)

1992 - Invited lecturer, 'The dolphins of Cres and Losinj', Faculty of Biology, University of Zagreb (Croatia).


(in chronological order)

Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals
Chapters in science books
Conservation action plans
Selected reports
Papers in Proceedings of European Cetacean Society conferences and workshops
Conference papers and presentations
IUCN Red List assessments


Publications in peer-reviewed scientific journals

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Venturino M.C., Zanardelli M., Bearzi G., Borsani J.F., Cavalloni B. 1993. Cetaceans in the central Mediterranean Sea: distribution and sighting frequencies. Italian Journal of Zoology 60:131-138.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1995. A comparison of the present occurrence of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, and common dolphins, Delphinus delphis, in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). Annales (Annals for Istrian and Mediterranean Studies) 7:61-68.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E. 1997. Social ecology of bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). Marine Mammal Science 13(4):650-668.

Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1998. Unusual sighting of a striped dolphin (Stenella coeruleoalba) in the Kvarneric, Northern Adriatic Sea. Natura Croatica 7(3):169-176.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1999. Diurnal behavior of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). Marine Mammal Science 15(4):1065-1097.

Wilson B., Arnold H., Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M., Gaspar R., Ingram S., Liret C., Pribanic S., Read A.J., Ridoux V., Schneider K., Urian K.W., Wells R.S., Wood C., Thompson P.M., Hammond P.S. 1999. Epidermal diseases in bottlenose dolphins: Impacts of natural and anthropogenic factors. Proceedings Royal Society London B - Biological Sciences 266:1077-1083.

Bearzi G. 2000. First report of a common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) death following penetration of a biopsy dart. Journal of Cetacean Research and Management 2(3):217-221.

Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Politi E., Zanardelli M., Panigada S. 2000. Skin biopsy of Mediterranean cetaceans for the investigation of interspecies susceptibility to xenobiotic contaminants. Marine Environmental Research 50:517-521.

Bearzi G., Reeves R.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E., Canadas A., Frantzis A., Mussi B. 2003. Ecology, status and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea. Mammal Review 33(3):224-252.

Bearzi G., Holcer D., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2004. The role of historical dolphin takes and habitat degradation in shaping the present status of northern Adriatic cetaceans. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 14:363-379.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Bruno S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S. 2005. Occurrence and present status of coastal dolphins (Delphinus delphis and Tursiops truncatus) in the eastern Ionian Sea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15:243-257.

Bearzi G., Reeves R.R. 2004. Where did the Mediterranean’s common dolphin go? International Journal of Mediterranean Ecology 30(2):243-244.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Azzellino A. 2006. Prey depletion caused by overfishing and the decline of marine megafauna in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters (central Mediterranean). Biological Conservation 127(4):373-382.

Bearzi G. 2007. Marine conservation on paper. Conservation Biology 21(1):1-3.

Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Azzellino A. 2008. Dolphins in a bottle: abundance, residency patterns and conservation of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the semi-closed eutrophic Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18(2):130-146.

Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Politi E., Piroddi C., Reeves R.R. 2008. Overfishing and the disappearance of short-beaked common dolphins from western Greece. Endangered Species Research 5:1-12.

Bearzi G., Azzellino A., Politi E., Costa M., Bastianini M. 2008. Influence of seasonal forcing on habitat use by bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the northern Adriatic Sea. Ocean Science Journal 43(4):175-182.

Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M., Reeves R.R. 2008. Ecology and conservation of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Mediterranean Sea. Mammal Review 39(2):92-123.

Pino d'Astore P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2008. Cetacean strandings in the Province of Brindisi, Italy, southern Adriatic Sea. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis 18(1):29-38.

Bearzi G. 2009. When swordfish conservation biologists eat swordfish. Conservation Biology 23(1):1-2.

Bearzi G. 2009. Practicing fisheries conservation biology within harvesting regimes. Reply to David W. Kerstetter. Conservation Biology 23(5):1073-1074.

Bearzi G., Costa M., Politi E., Agazzi S., Pierantonio N., Tonini D., Bastianini M. 2009. Cetacean records and encounter rates in the northern Adriatic Sea during the years 1988-2007. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis 19(2):145-150.

Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Petroselli A. 2010. Biomass removal by dolphins and fisheries in a Mediterranean Sea coastal area: do dolphins have an ecological impact on fisheries? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20(5):549-559.

Bearzi G., Pierantonio N., Bonizzoni S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Demma M. 2010. Perception of a cetacean mass stranding in Italy: the emergence of compassion. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20:644-654.

Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Christensen V. 2010. Effects of local fisheries and ocean productivity on the northeastern Ionian Sea ecosystem. Ecological Modelling 221(11):1526-1544.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Currey R.J.C. 2011. Striped dolphins and short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece: abundance estimates from dorsal fin photographs. Marine Mammal Science 27(3):E165–E184.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J. 2011. Dolphins and coastal fisheries within a Marine Protected Area: mismatch between dolphin occurrence and reported depredation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:261-267.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J. 2011. Mid-distance movements of common bottlenose dolphins in the coastal waters of Greece. Journal of Ethology 29(2):369-374.

Bearzi G., Pierantonio N., Affronte M., Holcer D., Maio N., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2011. Overview of sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus mortality events in the Adriatic Sea, 1555–2009. Mammal Review 41(4):276–293.

Bearzi G., Reeves R.R., Remonato E., Pierantonio N., Airoldi S. 2011. Risso’s dolphin Grampus griseus in the Mediterranean Sea. Mammalian Biology 76:385–400.

Dimatteo S., Siniscalchi M., Bondanese P., Esposito L., Prunella V., Bearzi G., Quaranta A. 2011. Encounters with pelagic and continental slope cetacean species near the northern shore of the Gulf of Taranto, Italy. Italian Journal of Zoology 78(1):130–132.

Gonzalvo J., Moutopoulos D.K., Bearzi G., Stergiou K.I. 2011. Fisheries mismanagement in a Natura 2000 area in western Greece. Fisheries Management and Ecology 18(1):25-38.

Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Gonzalvo Villegas J., Christensen V. 2011. From common to rare: the case of the Mediterranean common dolphin. Biological Conservation 144(10):2490-2498.

Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Christensen V. 2011. Marine open cage aquaculture in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea: a new trophic resource for bottlenose dolphins. Marine Ecology Progress Series 440:255–266.

Genov T., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Tempesta M. 2012. Long-distance movement of a lone short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the central Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records. doi:10.1017/S1755267211001163. Vol. 5; e9.

Pierantonio N., Bearzi G. 2012. Review of fin whale mortality events (1728–2011) in the Adriatic Sea, with a description of a previously unreported killing. Marine Biodiversity Records 5, e109 (6 pages) doi:10.1017/S1755267212000930

Bonizzoni S., Furey N., Pirotta E., Valavanis V.D., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2014. Fish farming and its appeal to common bottlenose dolphins: modelling habitat use in a Mediterranean embayment. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(5):696–711.

Bearzi G., Casale P., Margaritoulis D., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2015. Observation of a leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Turtle Newsletter 146:6-9.

Bräger Z., Gonzalvo J., Agazzi S., Bearzi G. 2016. Identification of bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) prey using fish scale analysis. Aquatic Mammals 42(1):63-73.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Furey N.B., Eddy L., Valavanis V.D., Gimenez O. 2016. Dolphins in a scaled-down Mediterranean: the Gulf of Corinth's odontocetes. Pp. 297-331 in Mediterranean Marine Mammal Ecology and Conservation (G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, M. Podestà and B.E. Curry, eds). Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 75, Academic Press, Oxford.

Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Eddy L., Gimenez O. 2016. A robust design capture-recapture analysis of abundance, survival and temporary emigration of three odontocete species in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0166650.

Alves F., Towers J.R., Baird R.W., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Ferreira R., Halicka Z., Alessandrini A., Kopelman A.H., Yzoard C., Rasmussen M.H., Bertulli C.G., Jourdain E., Gullan A., Rocha D., Hupman K., Mrusczok M.-T., Samarra F.I.P., Magalhães S., Weir C.R., Ford J.K.B., Dinis A. 2018. The incidence of bent dorsal fins in free-ranging cetaceans. Journal of Anatomy 232(2):263-269.

Cañadas A., Aguilar de Soto N., Aissi M., Arcangeli A., Azzolin M., B-Nagy A., Bearzi G., Campana I., Chicote C., Cotte C., Crosti R., David L., Di Natale A., Fortuna C., Frantzis A., Garcia P., Gazo M., Gutierrez-Xarxa R., Holcer D., Laran S., Lauriano G., Lewis T., Moulins A., Mussi B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Panigada S., Pastor X., Politi E., Pulcini M., Raga J.A., Rendell L., Rosso M., Tepsich P., Tomás J., Tringali M., Roger T. 2018. The challenge of habitat modelling for threatened low density species using heterogeneous data: the case of Cuvier’s beaked whales in the Mediterranean. Ecological Indicators 85:128–136.

Bearzi G., Gimenez O. 2018. Searching for meaning in marine mammal shared data. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 18:9-13.

Bearzi G., Kerem D., Furey N.B., Pitman R.L., Rendell L., Reeves R.R. 2018. Whale and dolphin behavioural responses to dead conspecifics. Zoology 128:1-15.

Bonizzoni S., Furey N.B., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Valavanis V.D., Bearzi G. 2019. Modelling dolphin distribution within an Important Marine Mammal Area in Greece to support spatial management planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:1665-1680.

Mazzoldi C., Bearzi G., Brito C., Carvalho I., Desiderà E., Endrizzi L., Freitas L., Giacomello E., Giovos I., Guidetti P., Ressurreição A., Tull M., MacDiarmid A. 2019. From sea monsters to charismatic megafauna: change in perception and use of large marine animals. PLoS ONE 14(12): e0226810

Bearzi G. 2020. Marine biology on a violated planet: from science to conscience. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 20:1–13.

Rooker J.R., Wells R.J.D., Addis P., Arrizabalaga H., Baptista M., Bearzi G., Dance M.A., Fraile I., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Lee J.M., Megalofonou P., Rosa R., Sobrino I., Sykes A., Villanueva R. 2020. Natural geochemical markers reveal environmental history and population connectivity of common cuttlefish in the Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17:20200309.

Santostasi N.L., Ciucci P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gimenez, O. 2020. Assessing the dynamics of hybridization through a matrix modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 431:109120.

Bonizzoni S., Furey N.B., Bearzi G. 2021. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the north-western Adriatic Sea: spatial distribution and effects of trawling. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:635-650.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Riley M.A., Santostasi N.L. 2021. Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: abundance and management implications. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:651-664.

Bearzi G., Stergiou K.I., Macer D. (eds.) 2021. Theme Section "Marine Biology in a World of Wounds". Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics. https://www.int-res.com/journals/esep/theme-sections/wow/

Bearzi G., Reeves R.R. 2021. Shifting baselines of cetacean conservation in Europe. ICES Journal of Marine Science 78:2337—2341. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsab137

Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Gimenez O., Eddy L., Bearzi G. 2021. Common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:101-109. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.2963

Wells R.J.D., Rooker J.R., Addis P., Arrizabalaga H., Baptista M., Bearzi G., Fraile I., Lacoue-Labarthe T., Meese E.N., Megalofonou P., Rosa R., Sobrino I., Sykes A., Villanueva R. 2021. Regional patterns of δ13C and δ15N for the European common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis) throughout the Northeast Atlantic Ocean and Mediterranean Sea. Royal Society Open Science 8:210345. https://doi.org/10.1098/rsos.210345

Bonizzoni S., Hamilton S., Reeves R.R., Genov T., Bearzi G. 2022. Odontocete cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 32:827-877. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-022-09712-z

Bearzi G., Reeves R.R. 2022. Marine mammals foraging around fishing gear or preying upon fishing catch and bait: it may not be "depredation". ICES Journal of Marine Science, fsac173. https://doi.org/10.1093/icesjms/fsac173

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Fanesi F., Tenan S., Battisti C. 2023. Seabirds pecking polystyrene items in offshore Adriatic Sea waters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30:8338–8346. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-24290-0

Bonizzoni S., Genov T., Bearzi G. 2023. Bottlenose dolphins share fish farm areas while maintaining sexual segregation: investigating group memberships through spatially and temporally explicit parameters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 33(1):70-88. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3908

Bonizzoni S., Gramolini R., Furey N.B., Bearzi G. 2023. Bottlenose dolphin distribution in a Mediterranean area exposed to intensive trawling. Marine Environmental Research 188, 105993. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.105993

Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Riley M.A., Ferreira da Silveira M., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2024. Social and community structure of striped dolphins in a semienclosed Mediterranean embayment. Marine Mammal Science 40:143-163. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mms.13060

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Genov T., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2024. Whales and dolphins of the Adriatic Sea: present knowledge, threats and conservation. Acta Adriatica 65:75-121. https://doi.org/10.32582/aa.65.1.1

Bonizzoni S., Sterba-Boatwright B.D., Piwetz S., Bearzi G. 2024. Offshore distribution of yelkouan shearwaters in the north-western Adriatic Sea: insight from machine learning. Acta Adriatica 65:61-74. https://doi.org/10.32582/aa.65.1.8

Petitguyot M.A.C., Bearzi G., van den Hurk Y., Tejedor Fuentes M., Pierce G.J. 2024. Intentional killings and culling of small cetaceans due to perceived competition with fisheries in the Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic between the 18th and 20th centuries. Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review 62:120-162. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781003477518-2

VanCompernolle et al. (300+ authors). In press (2025). Vulnerability of marine megafauna to global at-sea anthropogenic threats. Conservation Biology.


Chapters in science books

Bearzi G. 1992. L'arte della pesca. Pp. 123-153 in G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, ed. Le Ricchezze del Mare. Nuova ERI Edizioni RAI, Torino.

Bearzi G. 2002. Interactions between cetaceans and fisheries: Mediterranean Sea. Pp. 78-97 in G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, ed. Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of Knowledge and conservation strategies. ACCOBAMS, Monaco.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Aguilar A., Bearzi G., Birkun A., Frantzis A. 2002. Overview of known or presumed impact on the different species of cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Pp. 194-196 in G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, ed. Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of Knowledge and conservation strategies. ACCOBAMS, Monaco.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G. 2002. Cetacean direct killing and live capture in the Mediterranean Sea. Pp. 27-30 in G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, ed. Cetaceans in the Mediterranean and Black Seas: State of Knowledge and conservation strategies. ACCOBAMS, Monaco.

Bearzi G. 2003. At home with the dolphins. Pp. 104-109 in T. Frohoff and B. Peterson, eds. Between Species: Celebrating the Dolphin-Human Bond. Sierra Club Books, San Francisco.

Bearzi G. 2004. Investigating food-web interactions between Mediterranean coastal dolphins and fisheries in "natural laboratories". Pp. 71-76 in F. Briand, ed. CIESM Workshop Monographs 25. Investigating the roles of cetaceans in marine ecosystems.

Bearzi G., Stergiou K.I. 2004. Investigating shifts in the Mediterranean ecosystem: the case of short-beaked common dolphins and striped dolphins. P. 17 (box) in F. Briand, ed. CIESM Workshop Monographs 25. Investigating the roles of cetaceans in marine ecosystems.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bonizzoni S. 2005. Scientific literature on Mediterranean cetaceans: the Italian contribution. In B. Cozzi, ed. Marine mammals of the Mediterranean Sea: natural history, biology, anatomy, pathology, parasitology. Massimo Valdina Editore, Milano.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G. 2005. Research on cetaceans in Italy. In B. Cozzi, ed. Marine mammals of the Mediterranean Sea: natural history, biology, anatomy, pathology, parasitology. Massimo Valdina Editore, Milano.

Bearzi G. 2015. Collaboratore (storia della cetologia, descrizione delle specie). Fauna d'Italia, Mammalia IV, Cetacea. A cura di L. Cagnolaro, B. Cozzi, G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, M. Podestà, M. Demma. Calderini, Milano. 375 pp.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L. 2017. I cetacei del Golfo di Corinto, Grecia. Pp. 59-61 in S. Mellea and F. Ricciardelli (eds.), Capodogli e delfini dei nostri mari: criticità e strategie di protezione. Fondazione Marittima Ammiraglio Michelagnoli, Taranto.

Bearzi G., Eddy L., Piwetz S., Reggente M.A.L., Cozzi B. 2017. Cetacean behavior toward the dead and dying. Encyclopedia of Animal Cognition and Behavior (J. Vonk and T.K. Shackelford, eds.). Springer International Publishing. doi:1007/978-3-319-47829-6_2023-1

Bearzi G., Reggente M.A.L. 2018. Epimeletic behavior. Pp. 337-338 in Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals, 3rd edition (B. Würsig, J.G.M. Thewissen and K.M. Kovacs, eds.). Academic Press/Elsevier, San Diego.

Bearzi G., Piwetz S., Reeves R.R. 2019. Odontocete adaptations to human impact and vice versa. In B. Würsig, ed. Ethology and Behavioral Ecology of Odontocetes. Chapter 11. Springer, Heidelberg. https://link.springer.com/chapter/10.1007/978-3-030-16663-2_10

Bearzi G. 2021. On the conservation of European cetaceans and life at sea. Pp. 6-9 in L. Nunny, ed. Under pressure: the need to protect whales and dolphins in European waters. A report by OceanCare.

Saavedra C., Petitguyot M., Bearzi G., Pierce G.J. 2021. Common Dolphin Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758. In: K. Hackländer, F. E. Zachos (eds.), Handbook of the Mammals of Europe. Springer Nature Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-65038-8_108-1

Bearzi G., Genov T. 2022. Imperiled common dolphins of the Mediterranean Sea. Pp. 837-846 in D. DellaSala, M. Goldstein and M.J. Costello (eds.) Imperiled: The Encyclopedia of Conservation. Elsevier, Amsterdam. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-821139-7.00059-3


Conservation action plans

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G., Mo G., Cozzi B., 2001. National Action Plan for the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Italian Seas: 2001-2003. Prepared for the Italian Ministry for the Environment. ICRAM, Rome. 161 pp.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Reeves R.R., Canadas A., Frantzis A. 2004. Conservation Plan for short-beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea. ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. 90 pp.

Bearzi G. 2006. Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in Libya. Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA), Libya’s Environment General Authority and Marine Biology Research Center. 50 pp.

Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G. 2008. Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in Syria. Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas. Contract 39/2007_RAC/SPA. 45 pp.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G. 2010. National Strategy and Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans in Greece, 2010-2015. Initiative for the Conservation of Cetaceans in Greece, Athens. 55 pp. — (Download Action Plan in Greek)

Bearzi G. 2017. Action Plan for Marine Mammals in Israel, 2017–2022. Israel Marine Mammal Research & Assistance Center (IMMRAC), Israel. 101 pp.


Selected reports

Balenovic V., Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bonomi L., Zahtila E. 1992. The Cres-Losinj dolphin reserve. Proposal for the institution of a Marine reserve in the waters adjacent to the eastern coast of Cres and Losinj. Tethys Research Institute, Milan and CRM Rudjer Boskovic, Rovinj. Veli Losinj, July 1992. 14 pp.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Lauriano G. 1993. The Cres-Losinj Dolphin Reserve: Proposal for the institution of a marine reserve in the waters adjacent to the east coast of Cres and Losinj. Tethys Research Institute Report TRI/ADP 93-01. 18 pp.

Politi E., Bearzi G., Pesante G., Barbieri G. 2002. Resoconto delle attività di ricerca sul comportamento e l’ecologia alimentare del tursiope (Tursiops truncatus) presso l’isola dell’Asinara. July 1999 – October 2001. Final report to ICRAM, Rome. 37 pp.

Bearzi G. 2003. Towards a Conservation Plan for common bottlenose dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea. Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Istanbul, Turkey, 20-22 November, 2003. 20 pp. (284 Kb)

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2003. Cetacean prey depletion in the ACCOBAMS Area. Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Istanbul, Turkey, 20-22 November, 2003. 7 pp.

Birkun A, Bearzi G., Glazov D., Goradze I., Komakhidze G., Krivokhizhin S., Shpak O. 2003. Towards a Conservation Plan for Black Sea cetaceans. Document presented at the 2nd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Istanbul, Turkey, 20-22 November, 2003. 9 pp.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G., Canadas A., Frantzis A. 2004. High mortality of sperm whales in the north-western Mediterranean, 1971-2003. Paper submitted to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission (SC/56/BC10). Sorrento, Italy, 29 June -10 July 2004. 3 pp.

Bruno S., Bearzi G. 2004. Cetacean research and conservation in Georgia: background information and suggested actions. A report to the ACCOBAMS Secretariat. ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. 22 pp.

Aguilar A., Bearzi G., Birkun A. Jr., Canadas A., Donovan G., Frantzis A., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Reeves R.R. 2005. Proposal for a block Red List assessment of cetaceans in the ACCOBAMS Area. 3rd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Cairo, Egypt, 15-17 May, 2005. 3 pp.

Bearzi G. 2005. A strategy for the conservation of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Mediterranean Sea. 3rd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Cairo, Egypt, 15-17 May, 2005. 8 pp.

Bearzi G. 2005. Assessing and mitigating the impact of prey depletion on cetaceans: can we find a way forward? 3rd Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Cairo, Egypt, 15-17 May, 2005. 3 pp.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Azzellino A., Bruno S., Gramolini R. 2005. Report on short-beaked common dolphin studies in the area of Kalamos, Greece, 1993-2004. ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. 100 pp.

Bearzi G., Costa M., Photopoulos T. 2005. High human-related mortality of dolphins in the area of Kalamos, western Greece. A report to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS). Tethys Research Institute, August 23rd, 2005.

Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Bonizzoni S., Costa M. 2005. Ecosystem structure and dolphin-fisheries interactions in a “natural laboratory”: the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Report to the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) on the activities conducted between July 2001 – November 2005 (MOU #17/RAC/SPA/2005). Tethys Research Institute. 23 pp.

Bearzi G. 2006. Endangered Mediterranean common dolphins: the story so far. Paper submitted to the 58th Annual Meeting of the International Whaling Commission, St. Kitts and Nevis, West Indies, 23 May – 20 June 2006. 3 pp.

Bearzi G. 2006. Preliminary report on the impact of fishing on common dolphins in the area of Kalamos, Greece (eastern Ionian Sea). 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Monaco, 5-8 November 2006. 12 pp.

Bearzi G. 2006. Priority actions for the conservation of short-beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea. 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Monaco, 5-8 November 2006. 9 pp.

Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G., Bedocchi D., Bortolotto A. et al. 2006. Italy. Progress report on cetacean research, January 2005 to December 2005, with statistical data for the season 2003/04. Document SC/58/ProgRepItaly. Available from Secretariat, International Whaling Commission, Cambridge, UK.

Bearzi G. 2007. The endangered Mediterranean common dolphins: is there anyone interested in their conservation? 3rd Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), Dubrovnik, Croatia, 22-25 October, 2007. 3 pp.

Bearzi G., Simmonds M., Lüber S. 2010. Disappearing dolphins: does conservation action stand a chance of becoming common practice? Abstract for special event organised during the 4th Meeting of the Parties to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS), Monaco, 9-12 November 2010. 1 p.

Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G. 2010. Bottlenose dolphins in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece, qualify as Endangered based on IUCN Red List criteria. 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Casablanca, 11-13 January 2010.

Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G. 2010. Vanishing of short-beaked common dolphins from one of their last Mediterranean strongholds: the announced result of fisheries mismanagement. 4th Meeting of the ACCOBAMS Scientific Committee. Casablanca, 11-13 January 2010.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2011. Delfini e pesca nel Sinis. Prima fase dello studio sulle interazioni fra tursiopi e pesca costiera nell’Area Marina Protetta Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre. Rapporto finale. 37 pp.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2012. Interactions between dolphins and small-scale fisheries in the Argolikos Gulf, Greece. Final Report. Dolphin Biology and Conservation / OceanCare. 54 pp.

Cañadas A., B-Nagy A., Bearzi G., Cotte C., Fortuna C., Gannier A., Laran S., Lauriano G., Lewis T., Moulins A., Mussi B., Pastor X., Politi E., Pulcini M., Raga J.A., Rendell L. 2012. ACCOBAMS collaborative effort to map high-use areas by beaked whales in the Mediterranean. Report to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS). 24 pp.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2013. Fisheries in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Internal Report. Dolphin Biology and Conservation / OceanCare. 41 pp.

Bonizzoni S., Eddy L., Bearzi G. 2014. Dolphins and fisheries in the Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Internal Report. Dolphin Biology and Conservation / OceanCare. 45 pp.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2016. Monitoraggio mammiferi marini del Veneto (giugno–settembre 2016). Relazione Tecnica per Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto (ARPAV). 22 pp.

Cañadas A., Aissi M., Arcangelli A., Azzolin M., B-Nagy A., Bearzi G., Campano I., Chicote C., Cotte C., Crosti R., Di Natale A., Fortuna C., Frantzis A., Gannier A., Garcia P., Gazo M., Gutierrez-Xarxa R., Holcer D., Laran S., Lauriano G., Lewis T., Moulins A., Mussi B., Panigada S., Pastor X., Politi E., Pulcini M., Raga J.A., Rendell L., Tomás J., Tringali M. 2016. ACCOBAMS collaborative effort to map high-use areas by beaked whales in the Mediterranean. Report to the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in the Black Sea Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. 44 pp.

Pace D.S., Mussi B., Vella A., Vella J., Frey S., Bearzi G., Benamer I., Benmessaoud R., Gannier A., Genov T., Giménez J., Gonzalvo J., Kerem D., Larbi Doukara K., Milani C., Murphy S., Natoli A., Öztürk A., Pierce G.J. 2016. Report of the 1st International Workshop “Conservation and research networking on short‐beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea”. Mediterranean Common Dolphin Working Group. Ischia Island, Italy, 13‐15 April 2016. 44 pp.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2018. Interazioni fra delfini e pesca in Adriatico settentrionale. Resoconto tecnico. Consulenza e supporto tecnico-logistico per Università degli Studi di Padova. 26 pp.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2018. Monitoraggio mammiferi marini del Veneto (giugno–settembre 2018). Relazione tecnica per il Dipartimento di Biomedicina Comparata e Alimentazione dell’Università degli Studi di Padova. 41 pp.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Riley M.A. 2022. Monitoraggio del mammifero marino Tursiops truncatus in Veneto. Relazione Tecnica per Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto (ARPAV), Progetto PROMOSTRAT III. 60 pp.

Bearzi, G., Bonizzoni, S., Reeves, R.R. 2024. The trawl supremacy: hegemony of destructive bottom trawl fisheries and some of the management solutions. OceanCare, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 134 pp. http://www.oceancare.org/trawlsupremacy

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Reeves R.R. 2024. Bottom trawling: direct and indirect impacts on cetaceans, with a focus on the Mediterranean Sea. ACCOBAMS-SC16/2024/Inf16. 16th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area). Barcelona, Spain, 2-5 December 2024. 26 pp.


Papers in Proceedings of European Cetacean Society conferences and workshops

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Venturino M.C., Zanardelli M., Bearzi G., Borsani J.F., Cavalloni B., Cussino E., Jahoda M., Airoldi S. 1990. Distribution and relative abundance of cetaceans in the Central Mediterranean Sea. European Research on Cetaceans 4:41-43.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1992. Preliminary observations of bottlenose dolphins near the Island of Tavolara, Sardinia. European Research on Cetaceans 6:127-129.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bonomi L. 1992. Bottlenose dolphins off Croatia: a socio-ecologic study. European Research on Cetaceans 6:130-133.

Peharda M., Bearzi G. 1993. Surfacing patterns of bottle-nosed dolphins in the Cres-Losinj area (Northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 7:73-76.

Bearzi G. 1994. Behavioural states: terminology and definitions. Pp. 9-12 in G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H. Evans and E. Politi, eds. Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild. European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23.

Bearzi G. 1994. Photoidentification: Field methods. Pp. 22-26 in G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H. Evans and E. Politi, eds. Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild. European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23.

Bearzi G. 1994. Photoidentification: Matching procedures. Pp. 27-28 in G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, P.G.H. Evans and E. Politi, eds. Methods for the study of bottlenose dolphins in the wild. European Cetacean Society Newsletter, Special Issue 23.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1996. Photoidentification-based short-term tracking of bottlenose dolphins resident in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 9:132-138.

Bearzi G. 1997. A "remnant" common dolphin observed in association with bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 10:204.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1997. Bottlenose dolphins following bottom trawlers in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 11:202-204.

Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G., Delfino G. 1997. Surfacing pattern of bottlenose dolphins following bottom trawlers in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 10:244.

Oehen S., Bearzi G., Borsani J.F. 1997. Acoustic behaviour of free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 11:230.

Wilson B., Arnold H., Bearzi G., Fortuna C., Gaspar R., Liret C., Pribanic S., Read A.J., Ridoux V., Urian K.W., Wells R.S., Wood C., Thompson P.M., Hammond P.S. 1997. A comparison of epidermal disease in eight populations of bottlenose dolphins. European Research on Cetaceans 11:268.

Wilson B., Pribanic S., Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G. 1997. Epidermal lesions on free-ranging bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric. European Research on Cetaceans 11:269.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1999. Apparent lack of seasonal patterns in the behaviour of bottlenose dolphins in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 12:202.

Ferretti S., Bearzi G., Politi E. 1999. Comparing behaviour of inshore bottlenose and common dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea through focal group surfacing pattern analysis. European Research on Cetaceans 12:209.

Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1999. Analysis of respiration patterns of bottlenose dolphins observed in the Kvarneric (northern Adriatic Sea, Croatia). European Research on Cetaceans 12:151-155.

Wilson B., Arnold H., Bearzi G., Fortuna C., Gaspar R., Ingram S., Liret C., Pribanic S., Read A.J., Ridoux V., Schneider K., Urian K.W., Wells R.S., Wood C., Thompson P.M., Hammond P.S. 1999. Epidermal lesions on bottlenose dolphins: a product of pollution or the natural environment? European Research on Cetaceans 12:123.

Barbieri G., Bearzi G. 2000. Behaviour of a solitary, "sociable" bottlenose dolphin in southern Italy. European Research on Cetaceans 14:107-109.

Bearzi G., Ferretti S. 2000. Rare report of a bottlenose dolphin foraging in the Venice Lagoon, Italy. European Research on Cetaceans 14:110-114.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Fortuna C.M., Mel L., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2000. An overview of cetacean sighting data from the northern Adriatic Sea: 1987-1999. European Research on Cetaceans 14:356-361.

Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Airoldi S., Bearzi G., Panigada S. 2000. Skin biopsies for cell cultures from Mediterranean free-ranging cetaceans. European Research on Cetaceans 14:231-233.

Politi E., Bearzi G., Airoldi S. 2000. Evidence for malnutrition in bottlenose dolphins photo-identified in the eastern Ionian Sea. European Research on Cetaceans 14:234-236.

Agazzi S., Bearzi G., Politi E. 2001. Short-beaked common dolphin prey species in the eastern Ionian Sea: insight from fish scales sampled during surface foraging. European Research on Cetaceans 15:351-353.

Bearzi G., Quondam F., Politi E. 2001. Bottlenose dolphins foraging alongside fish farm cages in eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters. European Research on Cetaceans 15:292-293.

Bruno S., Politi E., Bearzi G. 2001. Social organisation of a common dolphin community in the eastern Ionian Sea: evidence of a fluid fission-fusion society. European Research on Cetaceans 15:49-51.

Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2001. Are the Mediterranean cetaceans exposed to the toxicological risk of endocrine disrupters? European Research on Cetaceans 15:338.

Jahoda M., Azzellino A., Lafortuna C.L., Notarbartolo Di Sciara G., Almirante C., Borsani J.F., D'Amico A., Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Bearzi G. 2001. Passive tracking and timing of respiration as a methodology to determine reactions of Mediterranean fin whales in response to different sources of possible disturbance. European Research on Cetaceans 15:355-357.

Miragliuolo A., Mussi B., Bearzi G. 2001. Risso's dolphin harassment by pleasure boaters off the island of Ischia, central Mediterranean Sea. European Research on Cetaceans 15:168-171.

Mo G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G., Cozzi B. 2004. Conservation policies from a regional to a national approach: the formulation of the Italian Action Plan for the conservation of cetaceans. European Research on Cetaceans 15:177.

Politi E., Bearzi G. 2001. Evidence of decline for a coastal common dolphin community in the eastern Ionian Sea. European Research on Cetaceans 15:449-452.

Bearzi G., Mussi B., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2002. Short-beaked common dolphins around Ischia, Italy, and Kalamos, Greece: relict population units of primary conservation importance in the Mediterranean Sea. European Research on Cetaceans 16.

Miragliuolo A., Mussi B., Bearzi G. 2002. Observations of driftnetting off the island of Ischia, Italy, with indirect evidence of dolphin bycatch. European Research on Cetaceans 16.

Mussi B., Miragliuolo A., Bearzi G. 2002. Short-beaked common dolphins around the island of Ischia, Italy (southern Tyrrhenian Sea). European Research on Cetaceans 16.

Zanardelli M., Panigada S., Bearzi G. 2002. Short-beaked common dolphin and common bottlenose dolphin sightings along the Tunisian coasts and in the Sicily Channel. European Research on Cetaceans 16.

Pesante G., Politi E., Bearzi G. 2003. Opportunistic sightings of Mediterranean monk seals in the eastern Ionian Sea (1993-2002). European Research on Cetaceans 17.

Agazzi S., Bearzi G. 2005. Diet overlap between short-beaked common dolphins and large tuna in eastern Ionian Sea inshore waters: insight from scales of fish prey sampled during surface foraging. European Research on Cetaceans 19 (distributed as CD-ROM).

Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Bruno S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J. 2005. The decline of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis in Eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters. P. 29 in K. Stockin, A. Vella and P.G.H. Evans. Proceedings of the Workshop “Common dolphins: current research, threats and issues”. European Cetacean Society Newsletter Special Issue 45.

Agazzi S., Bearzi G., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Politi E. 2008. Abundance trend of short-beaked common dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea: one of the last central Mediterranean stocks is vanishing. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2008.

Gonzalvo J., Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Piroddi C. 2008. Fisheries and the decline of short-beaked common dolphins in western Greece. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2008.

Genov T., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Tempesta M. 2011. Long-distance (1000+ km) movement by a short-beaked common dolphin in the central Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Cádiz, Spain, 21-23 March 2011.

Bonizzoni S., Furey N., Pirotta E., Valavanis V.D., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2013. Modelling interactions between fish farms and bottlenose dolphins in a Mediterranean embayment. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Setúbal, Portugal, 8–10 April 2013.

Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Würsig B. 2014. Shifting perceptions towards Mediterranean whales and dolphins: from monsters to icons. Workshop "Marine Mammals as Indicators of Historical Changes", 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Liège, Belgium, 5–9 April 2014.

Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2014. Bottlenose dolphin abundance in the Northern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Liège, Belgium, 5–9 April 2014.

Pierce G., Santos M.B., Zuur A.F., Bearzi G., Saveliev A., Smeenk C. 2014. Long-term trends in strandings of sperm whales in the North and Adriatic Seas. Workshop "Marine Mammals as Indicators of Historical Changes", 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Liège, Belgium, 5–9 April 2014.

Bonizzoni S., Eddy L., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2015. Fish farm specialists: bottlenose dolphins in the Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. St. Julians, Malta, 23-25 March 2015.

Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2015.  Optimizing abundance estimates of striped dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece.  Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society.  St. Julians, Malta, 23-25 March 2015.

Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Santostasi N.L., Furey N.B., Valavanis V.D., Würsig B. 2016. Dolphin depredation of bottom-set fishing nets in the Gulf of Corinth, Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Funchal, Madeira, 14-16 March 2016.

Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Eddy L., Gimenez O. 2016. Revised abundance estimates of striped and short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Funchal, Madeira, 14-16 March 2016.

Bonizzoni S., Furey N.B., Valavanis V.D., Bearzi G. 2018. Predicting dolphin distribution within an Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) in Greece to support spatial management planning. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. La Spezia, Italy, 6-10 April 2018.

Bearzi G., Hamilton S., Reeves R.R., Genov T., Bonizzoni S. 2022. Odontocete cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide. 33rd Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Ashdod, Israel, 5–7 April 2022.

Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Riley M., Ferreira da Silveira M., Bearzi G. 2022. Insight into the social organisation of striped dolphins in a semi-enclosed Mediterranean embayment. 33rd Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Ashdod, Israel, 5–7 April 2022.

Rossi V., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2022. Bottlenose dolphin occurrence near finfish aquaculture facilities in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. 33rd Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Ashdod, Israel, 5–7 April 2022.

Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2024. Widespread social adaptation to foraging and scavenging behind trawlers: the case of bottlenose dolphins in the NW Adriatic Sea. 35th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Catania, Italy, 10-12 April 2024.


Conference papers and presentations

Bearzi G. 1991. Cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea: A multimedia interactive program as a new way to educate visitors in dolphinaria. 9th Symposium of the European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Riccione, Italy, 15-19 March, 1991.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G., Bonomi L. 1991. Bottlenose dolphins off Croatia: Photoidentification and behavioral observations. 9th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Chicago, Illinois, 5-9 December 1991.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G. 1992. Cetaceans in the northern Adriatic Sea: past, present, and future. Rapports de la Commission Intérnationale de la Mer Méditerranée 33:303.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E., Lauriano G. 1993.  Social ecology and behavior of bottlenose dolphins in the waters adjacent to the island of Losinj (Croatia). 10th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Galveston, Texas, 12-15 November 1993.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bearzi G. 1993. Cetaceans in the northern Adriatic Sea: past, present and future. Proceedings of the 4th Congress of Croatian Biologists. Croatian Biological Society, Zagreb. Pp. 86-87.

Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Politi E., Lauriano G. 1994. Ecology and behaviour of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) near the islands of Losinj and Cres (Croatia). Pp. 399-400 in the Proceedings of the Fifth Congress of Croatian Biologists, Pula, Croatia, 3-7 October 1994.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G. Holcer D., Bearzi G. 1994. Past and present status of cetaceans in the northern and central Adriatic Sea. Proceedings of the 5th Congress of Croatian Biologists. Croatian Biological Society, Zagreb. Pp. 401-402.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1997. Il comportamento diurno del tursiope nel Quarnerolo (Adriatico Settentrionale). III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997.

Fortuna C.M., Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 1997. Analisi dei modelli respiratori di tursiopi (Tursiops truncatus, Montagu, 1821) in Adriatico settentrionale. III National Meeting on Cetaceans, Napoli, Italy, 5-6 December 1997.

Fossi M.C., Marsili L., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Politi E., Zanardelli M., Panigada S. 1999. Use of Mediterranean cetaceans skin biopsies in the investigation of interspecies susceptibility to xenobiotic contaminants. PRIMO 10, Williamsburg, VA, 25-29 April 1999.

Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Airoldi S., Panigada S. 1999. Colture cellulari di fibroblasti da biopsie cutanee di cetacei de Mar Mediterraneo. IV National Meeting on Cetaceans, Milano, Italy, 11-12 November 1999.

Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Casini S., Bearzi G., Politi E., Zanardelli M., Panigada S. 1999. Skin biopsies for cell cultures from Mediterranean free-ranging cetaceans. PRIMO 10, Williamsburg, VA, 25-29 April 1999.

Marsili L., Fossi M.C., Neri G., Gardi C., Palmeri S., Tarquini E., Panigada S., Zanardelli M., Politi E., Bearzi G. 1999. Skin biopsies for cell cultures from free-ranging cetaceans of the Mediterranean Sea. 9th Annual Meeting of SETAC-Europe. Leipzig, Germany, 25-29 May 1999.

Bearzi G. 2001. What threatens coastal dolphin populations in the Mediterranean Sea? Insight from interdisciplinary research in key areas. Proceedings of Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation Annual meeting. 10 pp. White Point, Nova Scotia, Canada, 30 May - 2 June 2000.

Bearzi G. 2003. Delfini costieri del Mediterraneo: le possibili ragioni di un declino. Proceedings of the 4th Italian Teriological Conference. Riccione, Italy, 6-8 November 2003.

Bearzi G. 2004. Investigating food-web interactions between Mediterranean cetaceans and fisheries in "natural laboratories". CIESM Research Workshop "Understanding the Role of Cetaceans in the Marine Ecosystem". Venice, Italy, 28-31 January 2004.

Bearzi G., Bruno S., Politi E., Costa M., Gramolini R., Pierantonio N., Bastianini M. 2005. Distribuzione del tursiope in Adriatico settentrionale in rapporto alle caratteristiche geografiche e batimetriche del bacino: primi risultati. 36th Conference of the Italian Society for Marine Biology (SIBM), Trieste, Italy, 9-13 May 2005.

Bearzi G., Costa M. 2005. Population status of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the central Mediterranean: insight from studies in the northern Adriatic and eastern Ionian Seas. Workshop "How can science best inform managers: the role of field studies in the conservation management of European bottlenose dolphin populations", 19th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. La Rochelle, France, 7 April 2005.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Azzellino A., Costa M., Pierantonio N., Bastianini M. 2006. Distribuzione del tursiope in rapporto alle caratteristiche del bacino. Workshop intermedio progetto INTERREG III Italia-Slovenia per l’Adriatico Settentrionale. 31 gennaio 2006. ISMAR Venezia.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Costa M., Azzellino A., Bastianini M. 2006. Dolphins in the northern Adriatic Sea: historical data and present occurrence. Conference “Cetaceans, sea turtles and sharks of the Adriatic Sea”, 26– 28 October 2006, Cattolica, Italy.

Bearzi G., Politi E., Azzellino A., Costa M., Bastianini M. 2007. Delfini dell’Adriatico settentrionale: dati storici e presenza attuale. Conference “L’Alto Adriatico: il mare unisce i paesi che separa”, 12-13 April 2007, Venice, Italy.

Bearzi G. 2007. Science-based management of coastal dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea. 8th Meeting of Focal Points for Specially Protected Areas (SPAs). Palermo, Italy, 6-9 June 2007.

Bearzi G. 2007. Science-based management of Mediterranean coastal dolphins. Pew Fellows Program in Marine Conservation Annual Meeting. Morro Bay, California, 30 November - 4 December 2007.

Bearzi G. 2009. Delfini e pesca: interazioni trofiche e depredazione in aree marine costiere del Mediterraneo. In: Proceedings of the workshop "Pesca e gestione delle Aree Marine Protette" (P. Guidetti, ed.), Porto Cesareo, 30 - 31 October 2008: 7-13.

Pereszlényi Z., Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J. 2009. Feeding behaviour of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Poster presented at the 5th "Ecology & Behaviour" Meeting, Lyon, France, 6-10 April 2009.

Piroddi C., Bearzi G., Christensen V. 2009. Effects of local fisheries and ocean productivity on the Northeastern Ionian Sea ecosystem. Pp. 39-40 in: Palomares M.L.D., Morissette L., Cisneros-Montemayor A., Varkey D., Coll M., Piroddi C. (eds.), Ecopath 25 Years Conference Proceedings: Extended Abstracts. Fisheries Centre Research Reports 17(3). Fisheries Centre, University of British Columbia [ISSN 1198-6727]. 167 p.

Begoña Santos M., Zuur A.F., Bearzi G., Saveliev A., Smeenk C., Pierce G.J. 2011. Long-term trends in strandings of sperm whales in the North and Adriatic Seas. 19th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammal, Tampa, FL, 26 November—2 December 2011.

Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Würsig B. 2012. Distribution of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Northern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Texas A&M University Research Symposium, Galveston, TX (USA), 25-26 April 2012.

Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2012. Conservation status of short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. 12th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (ICZEGAR), Athens, Greece 18-22 June 2012.

Biondi J., Smultea M.A., Bacon C.E., Gailey G., Sychenko O., Würsig B., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2013. Longitudinal comparisons of digital photography of marine mammals from aircraft and shore. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December 2013.

Da Silveira M., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Piwetz S., Würsig B. 2014. Integration of Texas coastal bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) photo-identifications spanning 24 years. Poster presentation, Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS), Wilmington, NC, 28-30 March 2014.

Pearson H.C., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2014. Understanding the social organization of an apex marine predator to inform conservation practices: striped dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 14-18 August 2014.

Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2014. Striped dolphin abundance in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece: dataset simulations help improve sampling design. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 14-18 August 2014.

Santostasi N.L., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Bosquez J., Da Silveira M.F., Marcum E., Piwetz S., Würsig B. 2015. Building a historic Texas bottlenose dolphin photo-identification catalog. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS), Virginia Beach, VA, March 27-29, 2015.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Gimenez O. 2016. Short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop "Conservation and research networking on short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea". Ischia Island, Italy, 13-15 April 2016, p. 42.

Mazzoldi C., Bearzi G., Brito C., Carvalho I., Desiderà E., Endrizzi L., Freitas L., Giacomello E., Giovos I., Guidetti P., Ressurreição A., Tull M., MacDiarmid A. 2018. From sea monsters to charismatic megafauna: change in perception and use of large marine animals. Ocean Past VII Conference, Bremerhaven, Germany, 22-26 October 2018.

Koemtzopoulos K., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Dendrinos P. 2019. Mixed-species groups of common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins in the Alonissos National Park, Greece. 2nd World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2019.

Koemtzopoulos K., Pardalou A., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Dendrinos P. 2019. Summer occurrence of cetaceans in the National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades, Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (ICZEGAR). Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-30 June 2019.

Santostasi N.L., Ciucci P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gimenez O. 2019. Assessing dolphin extinction risk in presence of hybridization. 2nd World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2019.

Petitguyot M., Bearzi G., Pierce G.J. 2021. Les conflits entre les pêcheurs français et les petits cétacés, du 18è au 20è siècle. Workshop "Baleine dans tous ses états", Museum of La Rochelle, France, 8–10 November 2021.

Petitguyot M., Bearzi G., Pierce G.J. 2022. Conflits entre les pêcheurs et les petits cétacés en Mer Méditerranée et Atlantique Nord-Est, du 16è au 20è siècle. Conference "Animaux proches, animaux distants: une histoire entre collectifs et individus (de la Préhistoire au XXIe siècle)". International workshop, University of Toulouse, France, 1-3 June 2022.

Petitguyot M.A.C., Bearzi G., Pierce G.J. 2022. Historical records reveal the magnitude of dolphin killings in the Mediterranean and Northeast Atlantic. 24th Biennial Conference of the Society for Marine Mammalogy, Palm Beach, Florida, USA, 1–5 August 2022.

Bearzi G., Hamilton S., Reeves R.R., Genov T, Bonizzoni S. 2022. Cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide. GFCM Working Group on Fishing Technology, 27–28 September 2022.

Bearzi G. 2023. Adriatic Sea cetaceans: past and present. Final Meeting, EU Horizon Project "SeaChanges: a training network bridging archaeology and marine biology", Ravenna, Italy, 21-24 March 2023.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Gramolini R., Riley M.A., Furey N.B. 2023. Abbondanza, distribuzione e adattamenti dei tursiopi Tursiops truncatus nel settore nord-occidentale del Mare Adriatico. 5° Seminario di Ecologia Costiera, Museo Regionale della Bonifica, Ca' Vendramin, Taglio di Po (RO), 9 marzo 2023.

Petitguyot M.A.C., Bearzi G., van den Hurk Y., Tejedor Fuentes M., Pierce G.J. 2023. Intentional killings and culling campaigns of small cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea and Northeast Atlantic between the 18th and 20th century. Final Meeting, EU Horizon Project "SeaChanges: a training network bridging archaeology and marine biology", Ravenna, Italy, 21-24 March 2023.

Bonizzoni S., Sterba-Boatwright B.D., Piwetz S., Bearzi G. 2024. Factors affecting the offshore distribution of yelkouan shearwaters Puffinus yelkouan in the northwestern Adriatic Sea: insight from machine learning. 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Marine and Coastal Bird Species, Djerba, Tunisia, 13–15 February 2024.

Ritter F., Simmonds M., Bearzi G., Dolman S., Cipriano F., Iñíguez Bessega M., Stachowitsch M. 2024. Wild animal populations are not "stocks": does language bias hamper conservation efforts by the International Whaling Commission? Paper SC/69B/O/04 presented to the Scientific Committee of the International Whaling Commission. 8 pp.



Bearzi G., Cavalloni B. 1987. Rapporto sulla vicenda del delfino di Comacchio. Rapporto per la Fondazione Cetacea di Riccione. 17 pp.

Bearzi G. 1989. Contributo alle conoscenze sulla biologia di Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821) nel mare Adriatico settentrionale. Tesi di Laurea in Scienze Biologiche, Università degli Studi di Padova, Italia. 172 pp.

Bearzi G. 1991. Il tursiope del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Pordenone. Pp. 97-100 in Anonymous, ed. Il museo spettacolo. ANMS, Museo delle Scienze di Pordenone.

Bearzi G. 1994. Dolphins of the Cres-Losinj Archipelago. An illustrated educational book for children. Published by the Tethys Research Institute and Europe Conservation in Croatian, Italian, German and French. 29 pp.

Bearzi G., Jahoda M. 1996. Translation from English to Italian of the book Among whales: Payne, R. La vita segreta delle balene. Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Milano. 427 pp.

Bearzi G. 2000. I nostri amici delfini. An illustrated educational book for children. Published by the Tethys Research Institute. 32 pp.

Bearzi G. 2001. Book review. The bottlenose dolphin: biology and conservation. J.E. Reynolds, R.S. Wells and S.D. Eide, eds. University of Florida Press, Gainseville, FL. 2000. 288 pp. Marine Mammal Science 17(3):670-671.

Bearzi G. 2003. Studies on the ecology and conservation status of short-beaked common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the Mediterranean Sea. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Basle, Switzerland. 202 pp.

Bearzi G., Reeves R.R. 2003. Where did the Mediterranean's common dolphin go? WDCS Magazine 28:16-17.

Bearzi G. 2005. Conservation Plan for short-beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea. Fins 1(2):7-8.

Bearzi G. 2006. Our friends the dolphins. An illustrated educational book for children translated in 12 languages. 32 pp.

Bearzi G. 2009. Urgent call for the conservation of one of the last strongholds of the endangered Mediterranean common dolphin. 15 pp. Downloadable here.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2010. Three monk seal encounters in the Northern Gulf of Evia, Greece. The Monachus Guardian 13(2):33-34. (link to online version)

Bearzi G. 2011. Common dolphins becoming rare. Public Service Review: European Union 21:659.

Bearzi G. 2016. The plight of Mediterranean common dolphins. OpenScience EU, June 2016. Pp. 66-67.

Bearzi G. 2019. Green New Human. Individuals aware of the climate and ecological breakdown (illustrations and text).

Among the 11,092 signatories of the World scientists' warning of a climate emergency:
Ripple WJ, Wolf C, Newsome TM, Barnard P and others. 2020. World scientists' warning of a climate emergency. BioScience 70:8–12.

Among the 271 signatories of the Open letter on The real and imminent extinction risk to whales, dolphins and porpoises, 3 September 2020.

Bearzi G., Entrup N. 2020. COVID and dolphins in Veneto. Video interview (12 min), September 2020. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZaglSscbVM

Bearzi G. 2020. Being a biologist in a wounded world. Hornbill (quarterly magazine of the Bombay Natural History Society), July-September 2020. https://bnhs.org/publication

Bearzi G. 2021. Green New Humans: inhabitants of a wounded planet. Drawings, text and video; in English and Italian. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmeGpIO_Hns

Bearzi G. 2021. Biologia marina in un mondo violato. DBC Channel, video presentation (21 min). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gWMwVLwmC0

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2022. Studia i delfini con noi (Study dolphins with us). A series of 24 videos (in Italian with English subtitles). https://www.dolphinbiology.org/studia.htm

Bearzi G., Scarlett A. 2021. Pioneer of Mediterranean Cetacean Research. Marine Mammal Science Podcast, MMS 84. https://marinemammalscience.libsyn.com/mms-84-pioneer-of-mediterranean-cetacean-research

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2022. Delfini di un Mare Ferito (Dolphins of a Wounded Sea). A marine conservation documentary (21 min; in Italian with English subtitles). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUSdnhhCKpU

Bearzi G. 2022. Nel mondo dei cetacei / The world of cetaceans. An illustrated book for children. 64 pp. https://www.dolphinbiology.org/cetacei/

Bearzi G. 2022. A jellyfish tale. DBC Channel, video (3 min). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7oatDWXMuE

Bearzi G. 2022. Message from whales. DBC Channel, video (5 min). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgVlLPnNInc (Italian version: Messaggio dalle balene)

Bearzi G., Wirth E. 2022. Deconstructing depredation. Breaching Extinction Podcast, 116. https://anchor.fm/breachingextinction/episodes/116--Deconstructing-Depredation-e1qu253


IUCN Red List assessments

Bearzi G. 2003. Short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis (Mediterranean subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2003: e.T41762A10557372.

Bearzi G. 2006. Short-beaked common dolphin Delphinus delphis (Mediterranean subpopulation). 2003 Assessment. Pp. 130-136 in Reeves R.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. (compilers and editors). The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. (whole report: 2.7 Mb)

Bearzi G., Fortuna C.M. 2006. Common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus (Mediterranean subpopulation). Pp. 64-73 in Reeves R.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. (compilers and editors). The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. (whole report: 2.7 Mb)

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Frantzis A., Bearzi G., Reeves R.R. 2006. Sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus (Mediterranean subpopulation). Pp. 48-56 in Reeves R.R., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. (compilers and editors). The status and distribution of cetaceans in the Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea. IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Cooperation, Malaga, Spain. (whole report: 2.7 Mb)

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Delphinus capensis (Long-beaked Common Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/6337

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Delphinus delphis (Short-beaked Common Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/6336

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lagenodelphis hosei (Fraser's Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/11140

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lagenorhynchus acutus (Atlantic White-sided Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/11141

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lagenorhynchus albirostris (White-beaked Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/11142

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lagenorhynchus australis (Peale's Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/11143

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lagenorhynchus cruciger (Hourglass Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/11144

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lagenorhynchus obliquidens (Pacific White-sided Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/11145

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lagenorhynchus obscurus (Dusky Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/11146

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lissodelphis borealis (Northern Right Whale Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/12125

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Lissodelphis peronii (Southern Right Whale Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/12126

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Phocoena dioptrica (Spectacled Porpoise). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/41715

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Phocoena phocoena (Harbour Porpoise). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/17027

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Phocoena spinipinnis (Burmeister's Porpoise). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/17029

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Phocoenoides dalli (White-flanked Porpoise). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/17032

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Stenella attenuata (Pantropical Spotted Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/20729

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Stenella clymene (Clymene Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/20730

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Stenella coeruleoalba (Striped Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/20731

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Stenella frontalis (Atlantic Spotted Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/20732

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Stenella longirostris (Spinner Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/20733

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Steno bredanensis (Rough-toothed Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/20738

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Tursiops aduncus (Indo-pacific Bottlenose Dolphin) . 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species.  http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/41714

Hammond P.S., Bearzi G., Bjørge A., Forney K., Karczmarski L., Kasuya T., Perrin W.F., Scott M.D., Wang J.Y., Wells R.S., Wilson B. (Assessors) 2008. Tursiops truncatus (Common Bottlenose Dolphin). 2008 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. http://www.iucnredlist.org/details/22563

Bearzi G., Fortuna C., Reeves R.R. 2012. Tursiops truncatus (Mediterranean subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T16369383A16369386.

Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Frantzis A., Bearzi G., Reeves R.R. 2012. Physeter macrocephalus. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2012: e.T41755A2955634.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2020. Delphinus delphis (Gulf of Corinth subpopulation) (errata version published in 2021). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T156206333A194321818.

Braulik G., Jefferson T.A., Bearzi G. 2021. Delphinus delphis. The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T134817215A50352620.

Bearzi G., Genov T., Natoli A., Gonzalvo J., Pierce G.J. 2021. Delphinus delphis (Inner Mediterranean subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2021: e.T189865869A189865884.

Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2022. Stenella coeruleoalba (Gulf of Corinth subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T210188066A210188619.

IUCN. 2023. The conservation status of cetaceans in the Mediterranean Sea: trends and changes after a decade of conservation efforts. International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Gland, Switzerland.




Media (selected)  

Dolphins of a Wounded Sea (in Italian with English subtitles)

A film by Giovanni Bearzi e Silvia Bonizzoni (2022)
A marine conservation documentary featuring the enthusiasm of a biologist and her research on dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea


Il Mediterraneo che ho conosciuto (in Italian)

A brief personal story, narrated by Giovanni Bearzi and illustrated by sea surface photos that look like abstract paintings (2023)


Biologia marina in un mondo violato (in Italian)

A video presentation based on the article:
Bearzi G (2020) Marine biology in a violated planet: from science to conscience. Ethics in Science and Environmental Politics 20, 1-13.


Adriatic Seascapes — 40 Adriatic Sea horizons

YouTube video album with sound

Photo album


DBC YouTube channel

This channel features some of the marine biology and conservation videos produced together with my colleagues since 2013


The World of Cetaceans (in English and Italian)

An illustrated book for children, drawn in 1990 and posted online in 2022


Green New Humans: inhabitants of a wounded planet

Illustrations and video (2021)


Green New Human

Illustrations and text (2019)


Our friends the dolphins

A colouring booklet for children. Available in 12 languages (Arabic, Bulgarian, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Italian, Portuguese, Slovene, Spanish, Turkish)

Drawn in 1994, posted online in 2006



Marine handicraft



I enjoy playing my acoustic and electric guitars, composing songs, and editing/mixing my music.

I produced three albums, and often use my music as score for marine biology videos in the DBC video channel.