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Lavinia Eddy
Last update: May 2024

Lavinia Eddy holds a degree in Veterinary Medicine at the University of Padua, Italy. During her studies she participated in an exchange programme with Texas A&M University, the Veterinary International Leadership Program. In 2010 she completed a summer internship at the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), an environmental advocacy group in Washington DC, USA. She attended a course centered around the management and conservation of cetaceans and sea turtles in the Adriatic Sea, as well as another research-oriented course in marine mammal medicine. She participated in boat surveys to assess cetacean occurrence in Italy and Spain. Lavinia spent three months volunteering as a veterinarian at the seal rehabilitation centre in Pieterburen, The Netherlands. Then she practiced small animal veterinary medicine in Padua and Venice, Italy. Since 2022 she works as a veterinarian in Düsseldorf, Germany, specializing in small-animal ultrasonography. Lavinia has been collaborating with Dolphin Biology and Conservation since 2014, and she conducted field research in the Gulf of Corinth and in the Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece.

e-mail   lavinia.eddy#gmail.com .(replace # with @)