Silvia Bonizzoni |
Ultimo aggiornamento: novembre 2024 |
Bio |
Silvia ha conseguito un Master in Biologia Marina presso la Texas A&M University e una Laurea in Scienze Ambientali all'Università di Venezia. Svolge ricerche sui cetacei del Mediterraneo dal 2000, e dal 2006 ha lavorato come principal field investigator per progetti di ricerca svolti da Dolphin Biology and Conservation, OceanCare e Istituto Tethys in Grecia (Golfo di Corinto, Golfo di Evia settentrionale e meridionale, Golfo di Arta, Golfo di Argo, Arcipelago Interno del Mar Ionio orientale) e in Italia (Veneto, Puglia e Sardegna). Ha preso parte a campagne oceanografiche in Adriatico (in collaborazione con CNR-ISMAR); partecipato a survey sui cetacei nella Baia di Santa Monica, California (in collaborazione con Ocean Conservation Society); svolto uno studio pilota di foto-identificazione dalla costa per studiare i tursiopi nel Galveston Ship Channel, Texas (in collaborazione con il Marine Mammal Behavioral Ecology Group, Texas A&M University). Ha intervistato centinaia di pescatori in Italia e in Grecia. I suoi strumenti di ricerca preferiti comprendono la foto-identificazione e l'utilizzo di modelli statistici per studiare l'abbondanza, la distribuzione, l'organizzazione sociale, l'utilizzo dell'habitat e le interazioni con la pesca dei cetacei. Al momento il suo principale soggetto di ricerca sono i delfini al largo delle coste del Veneto. Silvia ha al suo attivo circa 60 contributi scientifici. E' Direttrice esecutiva di Dolphin Biology and Conservation e Ricercatrice associata di OceanCare. |
e-mail |
silvia.bonizzoni#gmail.com .(replace # with @) |
CV |
M.Sc. in Marine Biology at Texas A&M University, Galveston TX, USA (2016)
(Laurea) in Environmental Sciences, University of Venice, Italy
High School Diploma: Biological and Chemical Technician. State Technical Institute Primo Levi, Milan, Italy (1998)
professional interests
Cetacean status, ecology and habitat use
Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries
Professional positions
Principal field investigator — Delfini del Veneto
Principal field investigator — Ecology, behaviour and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins, common bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Responsibilities include training of research assistants and intern students, dealing with international paying volunteers, boat driving, intensive field data collection, management and upkeep of field stations, management and upkeep of research and nautical equipment, interviews to fishermen, daily lecturing to students and project participants, public relations, reporting. Also in charge of database management: log, behaviour, strandings. Individual photo-identification of dolphins (three species).
Validation of cetacean stranding data recorded in the Brindisi province since 2002.
Principal field investigator — Ecology, behaviour and conservation of common bottlenose dolphins in the Northern and Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Responsibilities include boat driving, intensive field data collection, database management, upkeep of research and nautical equipment, interviews to fishermen, reporting, administration.
Principal field investigator — Interactions between marine mammals and fisheries in the Argolikos Gulf, Greece. Visual surveys to investigate occurrence of dolphins and marine megafauna. Direct observations and interviews to assess fishing effort, interactions (particularly depredation) between marine mammals and fisheries, and interviews to fishermen.
Principal field investigator — Interactions between coastal dolphins and fisheries in and around the Marine Protected Area of Sinis, Italy. Visual surveys to investigate occurrence of dolphins and marine megafauna. Direct observations and interviews to assess fishing effort, interactions (particularly depredation) between dolphins and fisheries, and fishermen perception of dolphins. In charge of database management and data analysis.
Field investigator — Bottlenose dolphin photo-identification in the Galveston Ship Channel, TX.
Teaching Assistant — Marine Evolutionary Biology course, Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston.
Saba Centra Assistant — Technical supervision of Saba Centra web conferencing across Texas A&M University campuses.
Marine mammal necropsy volunteer — Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, Galveston, TX.
Principal field investigator — Ecology, behaviour and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins, common bottlenose dolphins and striped dolphins in Ionian Greece (Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago and Amvrakikos Gulf). Responsibilities include training of research assistants and intern students, boat driving, intensive field data collection, management and upkeep of field stations, upkeep of research and nautical equipment, daily lecturing to students and project participants, reporting. Also in charge of database management: log, behaviour, strandings, biological materials. Management of photographic catalogues and individual photo-identification of dolphins (two species).
Principal field investigator — Interactions between coastal dolphins and fisheries in and around the Marine Protected Area of Porto Cesareo, Italy. Visual surveys to investigate occurrence of dolphins and marine megafauna. Direct observations and interviews to assess fishing effort, interactions (particularly depredation) between dolphins and fisheries, and fishermen perception of dolphins. In charge of database management and data analysis.
Field investigator — Cetacean fauna of the northern Adriatic Sea. Visual surveys from small vessels and oceanographic ships to investigate the occurrence and distribution of cetaceans and other marine megafauna.
Research assistant — Ecology, behaviour and conservation of short-beaked common dolphins and common bottlenose dolphins in Ionian Greece (Inner Ionian Sea Archipelago and Amvrakikos Gulf).
Trainer — 7-day course on ‘Cetacean research and conservation’ for researchers from Libya and Lebanon. Tethys Research Institute field station, Kalamos, Greece. Organised by UNEP’s Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS).
Lecturer — Training course on ‘Cetacean research methods’ for Veterinary Medicine students and professionals, University of Taranto, Italy.
Trainer — 7-day course on ‘Cetacean research and conservation’ for researchers from Slovenia and Greece. Tethys Research Institute field station, Kalamos, Greece. Organised by UNEP’s Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS).
Field assistant — 5-day workshop on ‘Conservation of short-beaked common dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea’. Tethys Research Institute field station, Kalamos, Greece.
Lecturer — ‘Studying cetaceans in the wild’. Science Week organised by Institute of Marine Sciences, Venice, Italy.
Database manager — ‘Europhlukes’ (a EC-funded project to develop a European central depository on cetaceans). Provision of images and sighting data for common bottlenose dolphins and shortbeaked common dolphins in Greece and Croatia.
Assistant librarian — Giuseppe Notarbartolo di Sciara marine conservation library (about 20,000 titles).
Trainer — 7-day course on ‘Cetacean research and conservation’ for researchers from Bulgaria, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia. Tethys Research Institute field station, Kalamos, Greece. Organised by UNEP’s Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic Area (ACCOBAMS).
Lecturer — ‘Studying cetaceans in the wild’. Science Week organised by Natural History Museum, Venice, Italy.
Grants and awards
Finalist and Special Mention for the Environment, Italian prize "Donna dell'Anno" (Woman of the Year) 2020
Graduate Assistant-Teaching (GAT) Grant, 2011—2012
Marine Biology Interdisciplinary Graduate Program, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA
MARB Mini-Grant, 2011
Department of Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA
Co-author and protagonist: ‘Delfini di un Mare Ferito’, a 20-min marine conservation documentary featuring research on dolphins in the Mediterranean Sea as seen from the eyes of a biologist who has been studying the animals for two decades. The documentary raises awareness on marine and global conservation issues, emphasizing the importance of personal commitment.
One of three members of the College of Arbiters of the Tethys Research Institute (2010—2013).
Wrote approximately 230 posts on cetaceans and marine conservation for the online newsletter of the Tethys Research Institute (Tethys News; 2006—2010).
Librarian, Tethys Marine Mammal Library at the Natural History Museum of Venice, Italy. Management of a collection of 15,000+ publications (2002—2006).
Co-editing and production: ‘DolphinPeople’, a 13-min video documentary featuring the work of three researchers (including myself) who study coastal dolphins in western Greece. The video highlights the importance of personal commitment to protect endangered dolphin populations (2002—2004).
Two-week volunteer for the ‘Pilot Whale Conservation Project’: cetacean ecology off Tenerife, Spain. Practiced cetacean research methods including individual photo-identification, theodolite tracking, behavioural sampling, respiration sampling (1999).
Attended marine biology course organised by the Milan Civic Aquarium (1999).
Translation from English to Italian of popular science articles (1999).
Assistant to editor, ‘Green Volunteers: The World Guide and Information Network to Voluntary Work in Nature Conservation’ (1998—1999).
Three-month course on environmental microbiology: microbiological analyses, testing of bacteriological, physical and organoleptic characteristics of drinkable water (1997).
Other skills
Navigation and handling of outboard boats. Individual photo-identification of dolphins; behavioral sampling; GPS-based tracking of dolphin movements; timing of respiration intervals; use of digital cameras, navigation instruments, hand-held computers for field data collection.
Holder of nautical license for boats up to 24 m long (since 2005); advanced diver certificate (CMAS, since 2001); car driving license (since 1997).
Interviews to investigate dolphin-fishermen interactions and attitudes towards cetaceans, with field experience in Italy and Greece.
PC and Mac computers:
Programme "R" (statistical analyses), ArcView, ArcGIS, QGIS (geographic information systems), SocProg (social organization analyses), Saba Centra (web conferencing), FileMaker Pro Advanced (database), Dreamweaver (web design), Adobe Lightroom, Adobe PhotoShop, ACDsee (image processing and management), Davinci Resolve, FinalCut Pro (video editing).
Publications |
Bearzi, G., Bonizzoni, S., Reeves, R.R. 2024. The trawl supremacy: hegemony of destructive bottom trawl fisheries and some of the management solutions. OceanCare, Wädenswil, Switzerland. 134 pp. http://www.oceancare.org/trawlsupremacy
Bonizzoni S., Sterba-Boatwright B.D., Piwetz S., Bearzi G. 2024. Offshore distribution of yelkouan shearwaters in the north-western Adriatic Sea: insight from machine learning. Acta Adriatica 65:61-74. https://doi.org/10.32582/aa.65.1.8
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Genov T., Notarbartolo di Sciara G. 2024. Whales and dolphins of the Adriatic Sea: present knowledge, threats and conservation. Acta Adriatica 65:75-121. https://doi.org/10.32582/aa.65.1.1
Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Riley M.A., Ferreira da Silveira M., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2024. Social and community structure of striped dolphins in a semienclosed Mediterranean embayment. Marine Mammal Science 40:143-163. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/mms.13060
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Fanesi F., Tenan S., Battisti C. 2023. Seabirds pecking polystyrene items in offshore Adriatic Sea waters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 30: 8338–8346. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-24290-0
Bonizzoni S., Genov T., Bearzi G. 2023. Bottlenose dolphins share fish farm areas while maintaining sexual segregation: investigating group memberships through spatially and temporally explicit parameters. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 33(1):70-88. https://doi.org/10.1002/aqc.3908
Bonizzoni S., Gramolini R., Furey N.B., Bearzi G. 2023. Bottlenose dolphin distribution in a Mediterranean area exposed to intensive trawling. Marine Environmental Research 188, 105993. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2023.105993
Bonizzoni S., Hamilton S., Reeves R.R., Genov T., Bearzi G. 2022. Odontocete cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11160-022-09712-z
La Manna G., Rako-Gospić N., Pace D.S., Bonizzoni S., Di Iorio L., Polimeno L., Perretti F., Ronchetti F., Giacomini G., Pavan G., Pedrazzi G., Labach E., Ceccherelli G. 2022. Determinants of variability in signature whistles of the Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin. Scientific Reports, 12(1):1-16. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-022-10920-7
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Riley M.A., Santostasi N.L. 2021. Bottlenose dolphins in the north-western Adriatic Sea: abundance and management implications. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:651-664.
Bonizzoni S., Furey N.B., Bearzi G. 2021. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in the north-western Adriatic Sea: spatial distribution and effects of trawling. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 31:635-650.
La Manna G., Rako-Gospić N., Sarà G., Gatti F., Bonizzoni S., Ceccherelli G. 2020. Whistle variation in Mediterranean common bottlenose dolphin: the role of geographical, anthropogenic, social and behavioural factors. Ecology and Evolution 10(4):1871–1987.
Santostasi N.L., Ciucci P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gimenez, O. 2020. Assessing the dynamics of hybridization through a matrix modelling approach. Ecological Modelling 431:109120.
Bonizzoni S., Furey N.B., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Valavanis V.D., Bearzi G. 2019. Modelling dolphin distribution within an Important Marine Mammal Area in Greece to support spatial management planning. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 29:1665-1680.
Santostasi N.L.,Bonizzoni S., Gimenez O., Eddy L., Bearzi G. 2018. Common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems. doi.org/10.1002/aqc.2963
Alves F., Towers J.R., Baird R.W., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Ferreira R., Halicka Z., Alessandrini A., Kopelman A.H., Yzoard C., Rasmussen M.H., Bertulli C.G., Jourdain E., Gullan A., Rocha D., Hupman K., Mrusczok M.-T., Samarra F.I.P., Magalhães S., Weir C.R., Ford J.K.B., Dinis A. 2018. The incidence of bent dorsal fins in free-ranging cetaceans. Journal of Anatomy 232(2):263-269.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L. 2017. I cetacei del Golfo di Corinto, Grecia. Pp. 59-61 in S. Mellea and F. Ricciardelli (eds.), Capodogli e delfini dei nostri mari: criticità e strategie di protezione. Fondazione Marittima Ammiraglio Michelagnoli, Taranto.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Furey N.B., Eddy L., Valavanis V.D., Gimenez O. 2016. Dolphins in a scaled-down Mediterranean: the Gulf of Corinth's odontocetes. Pp. 297-331 in Mediterranean Marine Mammal Ecology and Conservation (G. Notarbartolo di Sciara, M. Podestà and B.E. Curry, eds). Advances in Marine Biology, Vol. 75, Academic Press, Oxford.
Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Eddy L., Gimenez O. 2016. A robust design capture-recapture analysis of abundance, survival and temporary emigration of three odontocete species in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. PLoS ONE 11(12): e0166650.
Bearzi G., Casale P., Margaritoulis D., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2015. Observation of a leatherback sea turtle Dermochelys coriacea in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Marine Turtle Newsletter 146:6-9.
Bonizzoni S., Furey N., Pirotta E., Valavanis V.D., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2014. Fish farming and its appeal to common bottlenose dolphins: modelling habitat use in a Mediterranean embayment. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 24(5):696–711.
Genov T., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Tempesta M. 2012. Long-distance movement of a lone short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the central Mediterranean Sea. Marine Biodiversity Records. doi:10.1017/S1755267211001163. Vol. 5; e9.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Currey R.J.C. 2011. Striped dolphins and short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece: abundance estimates from dorsal fin photographs. Marine Mammal Science 27(3):E165–E184.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J. 2011. Dolphins and coastal fisheries within a Marine Protected Area: mismatch between dolphin occurrence and reported depredation. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 21:261-267.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J. 2011. Mid-distance movements of common bottlenose dolphins in the coastal waters of Greece. Journal of Ethology 29(2):369-374.
Bearzi G., Pierantonio N., Bonizzoni S., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Demma M. 2010. Perception of a cetacean mass stranding in Italy: the emergence of compassion. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20:644-654.
Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Petroselli A. 2010. Biomass removal by dolphins and fisheries in a Mediterranean Sea coastal area: do dolphins have an ecological impact on fisheries? Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 20(5):549-559.
Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Azzellino A. 2008. Dolphins in a bottle: abundance, residency patterns and conservation of bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the semi-closed eutrophic Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 18:130-146.
Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Politi E., Piroddi C., Reeves R.R. 2008. Overfishing and the disappearance of short-beaked common dolphins from western Greece. Endangered Species Research 5:1-12.
Pino d'Astore P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2008. Cetacean strandings in the Province of Brindisi, Italy, southern Adriatic Sea. Annales, Series Historia Naturalis 18(1):29-38.
Bearzi G., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Bonizzoni S. 2005. Scientific literature on Mediterranean cetaceans: the Italian contribution. In B. Cozzi, ed. Marine mammals of the Mediterranean Sea: natural history, biology, anatomy, pathology, parasitology. Massimo Valdina Editore, Milano.
Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Bruno S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S. 2005. Occurrence and present status of coastal dolphins (Delphinus delphis and Tursiops truncatus) in the eastern Ionian Sea. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 15:243-257.
presentations, short papers and reports
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Reeves R.R. 2024. Bottom trawling: direct and indirect impacts on cetaceans, with a focus on the Mediterranean Sea. ACCOBAMS-SC16/2024/Inf16. 16th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area). Barcelona, Spain, 2-5 December 2024. 26 pp.
Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2024. Widespread social adaptation to foraging and scavenging behind trawlers: the case of bottlenose dolphins in the NW Adriatic Sea. 35th Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Catania, Italy, 10-12 April 2024.
Bonizzoni S., Sterba-Boatwright B.D., Piwetz S., Bearzi G. 2024. Factors affecting the offshore distribution of yelkouan shearwaters Puffinus yelkouan in the northwestern Adriatic Sea: insight from machine learning. 3rd Mediterranean Symposium on Ecology and Conservation of Marine and Coastal Bird Species, Djerba, Tunisia, 13–15 February 2024.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Gramolini R., Riley M.A., Furey N.B. 2023. Abbondanza, distribuzione e adattamenti dei tursiopi Tursiops truncatus nel settore nord-occidentale del Mare Adriatico. 5° Seminario di Ecologia Costiera, Museo Regionale della Bonifica, Ca' Vendramin, Taglio di Po (RO), 9 marzo 2023.
Bearzi G., Hamilton S., Reeves R.R., Genov T., Bonizzoni S. 2022. Cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide. GFCM Working Group on Fishing Technology, 27–28 September 2022.
Bearzi G., Hamilton S., Reeves R.R., Genov T., Bonizzoni S. 2022. Odontocete cetaceans foraging behind trawlers, worldwide. 33rd Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Ashdod, Israel, 5–7 April 2022.
Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Riley M., Ferreira da Silveira M., Bearzi G. 2022. Insight into the social organisation of striped dolphins in a semi-enclosed Mediterranean embayment. 33rd Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Ashdod, Israel, 5–7 April 2022.
Rossi V., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2022. Bottlenose dolphin occurrence near finfish aquaculture facilities in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. 33rd Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Ashdod, Israel, 5–7 April 2022.
Koemtzopoulos K., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Dendrinos P. 2019. Mixed-species groups of common dolphins and bottlenose dolphins in the Alonissos National Park, Greece. 2nd World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2019.
Koemtzopoulos K., Pardalou A., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Dendrinos P. 2019. Summer occurrence of cetaceans in the National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades, Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (ICZEGAR). Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-30 June 2019.
Santostasi N.L., Ciucci P., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gimenez O. 2019. Assessing dolphin extinction risk in presence of hybridization. 2nd World Marine Mammal Science Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 9-12 December 2019.
Koemtzopoulos K., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Pardalou A., Dendrinos P. 2019. Summer occurrence of cetaceans in the National Marine Park of Alonissos, Northern Sporades, Greece. 14th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (ICZEGAR). Thessaloniki, Greece, 27-30 June 2019.
Bonizzoni S., Furey N.B., Valavanis V.D., Bearzi G. 2018. Predicting dolphin distribution within an Important Marine Mammal Area (IMMA) in Greece to support spatial management planning. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. La Spezia, Italy, 6-10 April 2018.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Eddy L., Gimenez O. 2016. Short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth are Critically Endangered. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop "Conservation and research networking on short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Mediterranean Sea". Ischia Island, Italy, 13-15 April 2016.
Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Santostasi N.L., Furey N.B., Valavanis V.D., Würsig B. 2016. Dolphin depredation of bottom-set fishing nets in the Gulf of Corinth, Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society, Funchal, Madeira, 14-16 March 2016.
Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Eddy L., Gimenez O. 2016. Revised abundance estimates of striped and short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Funchal, Madeira, 14-16 March 2016.
Santostasi N.L., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Bosquez J., Da Silveira M.F., Marcum E., Piwetz S., Würsig B. 2015. Building a historic Texas bottlenose dolphin photo-identification catalog. Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS), Virginia Beach, VA, March 27-29, 2015.
Bonizzoni S., Eddy L., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2015. Fish farm specialists: bottlenose dolphins in the Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. St. Julians, Malta, 23-25 March 2015.
Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2015. Optimizing abundance estimates of striped dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Proceedings of the 29th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. St. Julians, Malta, 23-25 March 2015.
Pearson H.C., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2014. Understanding the social organization of an apex marine predator to inform conservation practices: striped dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 14-18 August 2014.
Santostasi N.L., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2014. Striped dolphin abundance in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece: dataset simulations help improve sampling design. International Marine Conservation Congress, Glasgow, Scotland, 14-18 August 2014.
Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Würsig B. 2014. Shifting perceptions towards Mediterranean whales and dolphins: from monsters to icons. Workshop "Marine Mammals as Indicators of Historical Changes", 28th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Liege, Belgium, 5–9 April 2014.
Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2014.
Bottlenose dolphin abundance in the Northern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Proceedings of the 28th Annual Conference of the European
Cetacean Society. Liege, Belgium, 5–9 April 2014.
Da Silveira M., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Piwetz S., Würsig B. 2014. Integration of Texas coastal bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) photo-identifications spanning 24 years. Poster presentation, Southeast and Mid-Atlantic Marine Mammal Symposium (SEAMAMMS), Wilmington, NC, 28-30 March 2014.
Biondi J., Smultea M.A., Bacon C.E., Gailey G., Sychenko O., Würsig B., Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2013. Longitudinal comparisons of digital photography of marine mammals from aircraft and shore. 20th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Dunedin, New Zealand, 9-13 December 2013.
Bonizzoni S., Furey N., Pirotta E., Valavanis V.D., Würsig B., Bearzi G. 2013. Modelling interactions between fish farms and bottlenose dolphins in a Mediterranean embayment. Proceedings of the 27th Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Setúbal, Portugal, 8–10 April 2013.
Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G. 2012. Conservation status of short-beaked common dolphins in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. 12th International Congress on the Zoogeography and Ecology of Greece and Adjacent Regions (ICZEGAR), Athens, Greece 18-22 June 2012.
Bonizzoni S., Bearzi G., Würsig B. 2012. Distribution of common bottlenose dolphins Tursiops truncatus in the Northern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Texas A&M University Research Symposium, Galveston, TX (USA), 25-26 April 2012.
Genov T., Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Tempesta M. 2011. Long-distance (1000+ km) movement by a short-beaked common dolphin in the central Mediterranean Sea. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Cadiz, Spain, 21-23 March 2011.
Agazzi S., Bearzi G., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Politi E. 2008. Abundance trend of short-beaked common dolphins in the eastern Ionian Sea: one of the lest central Mediterranean stocks is vanishing. Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Conference of the European Cetacean Society. Egmond aan Zee, The Netherlands, 10-12 March 2008.
Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Bruno S., Costa M., Bonizzoni
S., Gonzalvo J. 2005. The decline of short-beaked common dolphins Delphinus delphis in Eastern Ionian Sea coastal waters. P. 29
in K. Stockin, A. Vella and P.G.H. Evans. Proceedings of the
Workshop “Common dolphins: current research, threats and
issues”. European Cetacean Society Newsletter Special Issue
IUCN Red List assessments
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2022. Stenella coeruleoalba (Gulf of Corinth subpopulation). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T210188066A210188619. https://dx.doi.org/10.2305/IUCN.UK.2022-1.RLTS.T210188066A210188619.en
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2020. Delphinus delphis (Gulf of Corinth subpopulation) (errata version published in 2021). The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2020: e.T156206333A194321818.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2022. Delfini di un Mare Ferito (Dolphins of a Wounded Sea). A marine conservation documentary (20 min; in Italian with English subtitles). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUSdnhhCKpU
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2022. Studia i delfini con noi (Study dolphins with us). A series of 24 videos (in Italian with English subtitles). https://www.dolphinbiology.org/studia.htm
Moreschi G. 2021. Woman Power: Silvia Bonizzoni. Food Mood Mag.
Pignataro S. 2021. Al lavoro con... Silvia Bonizzoni. Io Donna.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2010. Three monk seal encounters in the Northern Gulf of Evia, Greece. The Monachus Guardian 13(2):33-34.
Casalinuovo F. 2020. Silvia Bonizzoni: dai delfini ho imparato che si vince in gruppo. Donna Moderna, December 2020.
Reports and theses
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Reeves R.R. 2024. Bottom trawling: direct and indirect impacts on cetaceans, with a focus on the Mediterranean Sea. Document submitted to the 16th Meeting of the Scientific Committee of ACCOBAMS (Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and contiguous Atlantic area). Barcelona, Spain, 2-5 December 2024. ACCOBAMS SC16/2024/DocXX. 27 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Riley M.A. 2022. Monitoraggio del mammifero marino Tursiops truncatus in Veneto. Relazione Tecnica per Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto (ARPAV), Progetto PROMOSTRAT III. 60 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2018. Interazioni fra delfini e pesca in Adriatico settentrionale. Resoconto tecnico. Consulenza e supporto tecnico-logistico per Università degli Studi di Padova. 26 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2018. Monitoraggio mammiferi marini del Veneto (giugno–settembre 2018). Relazione tecnica per il Dipartimento di Biomedicina Comparata e Alimentazione dell’Università degli Studi di Padova. 41 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2016. Monitoraggio mammiferi marini del Veneto (giugno–settembre 2016). Relazione Tecnica per Agenzia Regionale per la Prevenzione e Protezione Ambientale del Veneto (ARPAV). 22 pp.
Bonizzoni S. 2016. Modeling dolphin habitat preferences in a semi-enclosed basin in Greece. M.Sc. thesis in Marine Biology, Texas A&M University at Galveston, USA. 70 pp.
Bonizzoni S., Eddy L., Bearzi G. 2014. Dolphins and fisheries in the Southern Evoikos Gulf, Greece. Internal Report. Dolphin Biology and Conservation / OceanCare. 45 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2013. Fisheries in the Gulf of Corinth, Greece. Internal Report. Dolphin Biology and Conservation / OceanCare. 41 pp.
Fortuna C.M., Acquarone M., Annunziatellis A., Arcangel, A., Azzelin, A., Baccett, N., Bellingeri M., Bonizzoni S., Borsani F.J., Caliani I., Canese S., Canneri R., Cerioli N., De Lucia A., Dimatteo S., Fanizza C., Filidei Jr E., Fossi C., Garibaldi F., Gaspari S., Giovanardi O., Giusti M., Gnone G., Guidetti P., Holcer D., Lauriano G., Marsili L., Mazzola A., Mo G., Moulins A., Mussi B., Notarbartolo di Sciara G., Orsi Relini L., Pace D.S., Panigada S., Pavan G., Podestà M., Pulcini M., Raicevich S., Randi E., Romeo T., Rosso M., Sala A., Tepsich P., Zimmer W., Zizzo N. 2013. MSFD Supporting document on the Initial Assessment on Cetaceans, including methodology, data used and results. ISPRA, Rome, 62 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Santostasi N.L. 2012. Interactions between dolphins and small-scale fisheries in the Argolikos Gulf, Greece. Final Report. Dolphin Biology and Conservation / OceanCare. 54 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S. 2011. Delfini e pesca nel Sinis. Prima fase dello studio sulle interazioni fra tursiopi e pesca costiera nell’Area Marina Protetta Penisola del Sinis - Isola di Mal di Ventre. Rapporto finale. 37 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J. 2010. Coastal Dolphins Greece. Report to OceanCare on the activities conducted between 1991 and 2010 in the eastern Ionian Sea, Greece. Tethys Research Institute Report. 39 pp.
Bearzi G., Bonizzoni S., Gonzalvo J., Agazzi S., Pereszlényi Z., Costa M. 2009. Ionian Dolphin Project. Report to UNEP’s Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) on the activities conducted between 1991 and 2009 in the eastern Ionian Sea, Greece. Tethys Research Institute Report. 43 pp.
Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Petroselli A., Politi E. 2008. Ionian Dolphin Project. Kalamos area and Amvrakikos Gulf. Report on the activities conducted between July 1991 and September 2008 in the eastern Ionian Sea, Greece. Tethys Research Institute Report. 41 pp.
Bonizzoni S. 2008. Social organisation of common bottlenose dolphin Tursiops truncatus near the island of Kalamos, Greece. Environmental Sciences thesis, University of Venice, Italy. 60 pp.
Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Bonizzoni S., Costa M. 2007. Ionian Dolphin Project. Kalamos area and Amvrakikos Gulf. Report on the activities conducted between July 1991 and September 2007 in the eastern Ionian Sea, Greece. Tethys Research Institute Report. 35 pp.
Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Gonzalvo J., Bonizzoni S., Costa M., Politi E. 2006. Ionian Dolphin Project. Report on the activities conducted between July 1991 and September 2006 in waters surrounding the island of Kalamos and in the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Tethys Research Institute Report. 39 pp.
Bearzi G., Agazzi S., Bonizzoni S., Costa M. 2005. Ecosystem structure and dolphin-fisheries interactions in a 'natural laboratory': the Amvrakikos Gulf, Greece. Report to the Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA) on the activities conducted between July 2001 and November 2005 (MOU#17/RAC/SPA/2005). Tethys Research Institute Report. 23 pp.
Bearzi G., Politi E., Agazzi S., Costa M., Bonizzoni S., Azzellino A., Bruno S., Gramolini R. 2005. Report on short-beaked common dolphin studies in the area of Kalamos, Greece, 1993-2004. ACCOBAMS, Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans of the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area. 100 pp.
Other |
Delfini di un Mare Ferito
L'entusiasmo di una biologa e le sue ricerche sui delfini in Mediterraneo: un documentario sulla tutela del nostro mare
un film di Giovanni Bearzi e Silvia Bonizzoni (2022)
DBC YouTube channel
Questo canale ospita alcuni dei molti video di biologia marina e tutela del mare che ho prodotto insieme ai miei colleghi a partire dal 2013. |